
anoniem Game profile


Apr 18th 2012, 19:42:28

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
So the question is: Did DC try to claim their hits were retals? If not then they were probably just trying to grab Evo, and it should have been treated as such and retaled accordingly.

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
You are just playing with semantics at this point.

That quote just posted from Jax does not say that the hits were specifically retals in the strict sense of the concept. What he is explaining is essentially what I discussed above as what used to be commonplace.

Unless they were spending retal messages with the hits they should have been considered grabs.

Why ask a question and then when answered accuse someone of playing with semantics? You asked a question about the semantics of what jax45 said.

oh and let's not forget about this:
Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
My response is not a official response from laf, but is a personal response.

How about not?

a) This is a game, thus it is competitive. You are asking people not to act competitively and that isn't going to happen, especially given the alliances you are making this request to are highly competitive.

b) As has been argued on another thread, if LaF and evo weren't hitting DC then someone else would. The reason why you see the hits being dominated by those 2 tags at the moment is because they are the ones that put the most effort into camping DR etc. If Evo and laF were to cease hitting them, do you really believe that people like SoF, LCN, RD, sanct etc. wouldn't hit them? I think they would, and there is plenty of past examples that show that this is the case. So from the perspective of LaF and evo, these DC players are going to get grabbed regardless, as such it might as well be us profiting off it.

c) The premise of your request is that cutting new tags slack will be good for the game. I wholeheartedly disagree. Running a successful clan in this game requires a lot of effort. You need to develop strategies, train members, organize both internally and externally (building up your foreign relations department) and make sound decisions about your tags actions.

The game has historically been hard on new tags, and I think this is a good thing because it pushes new tags to organize to the degree they need to in order to be successful. If they don't do it, they die off. If everyone was to "take it easy" on them, they wouldn't learn what it takes to be successful and if they do manage to last, they likely won't be very good, or their progress will be extremely slow.

I know I don't want to see alliance quality watered down in such ways.

I guess you could call it "initiation by fire" but it also acts as a teaching tool, it shows these people exactly what it takes to be successful on this server. Some tags don't rise to that challenge, but plenty of others have over the years.

It isn't impossible, it is actually pretty easy if new tags approach it in a proper way.

D) They chose to come to this server and compete with us. There are other servers for them to hone their skills and organize themselves on before trying to make the jump to the alliance server. They chose to tackle the alliance server and as such they chose everything that comes with it (maybe they like the challenge? some people do you know).

You don't walk onto a soccer field against a bunch of skilled players and then get angry when they dribble circles around you, and you don't expect them to "play down" to your level. This is a ridiculous concept and goes against the nature of competitions/games.

Edited By: anoniem on Apr 18th 2012, 19:53:30
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