
anoniem Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 19:18:41

The coalitions purpose is to prevent netters from being blindsided during netting sets by alliances engaging them for the express purpose of having an easy war. Past examples include SOL -> Collab, SOL -> Evo, SOL -> LaF, and others. The emphasis is towards unprovoked wars, or wars provoked by minor slights that would otherwise have been ignored had the aggressor not badly wanted a war. The coalition can also act preemptively if there is (super-majority, ie 66% ?) agreement on an aggressors supposed future entrance into war.

All alliances in the coalition will enter into war (preferably simultaneously in a large strike) against the Enemy; after they are sufficiently beaten down, farming may commence. NO ALLIANCE IN THE COALITION SHALL SIGN A PEACE TREATY WITH THE ENEMY WITHOUT ALL MEMBERS OF THE COALITION GETTING THE SAME PEACE DEAL, UNLESS THEIR LEADERS APPROVE.

The agreement will be unbreakable auto-renew; however if an alliance fails to hold up their end of the agreement (ie does not enter into war), then they will be immidiately dropped from the coalition and will not thereafter be allowed to resign unless a UNANIMOUS vote by other alliances allows their reentry.

New entrants to the coalition must be admitted by a UNANIMOUS vote of the existing parties.

What constitues a blindside will be voted on, with a 50% majority required to commit the coalition to war.

Alliances in the coalition will not sign UNAPS or DP's with "warring clans" unless they provide UNAP/DP to all in the coalition; warring clans may be those commonnly known as "warring clans" or those listed before the set & pacting begin; if an additional alliance becomes a problem they may be listed for futher inclusion in the "warring clans/aggressors".

And, again the above shows that LaF broke multiple clauses in the anti-gangbang pact. I don't want to have to rehash logs again.

So accept you broke a pact and shut the fluff up. Then we can all move on until the next time SS becomes Don and breaks a pact with Evo =)

Edited By: anoniem on Mar 27th 2012, 19:25:45
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