
Jiman Game profile


Mar 16th 2012, 21:06:57

JJ, stop it. No one cares enough about your country to have to go through this BS. At this point if I was Boltar I would not bother giving you a DNH again if this is how you act if a mistake is made by our part. How many mistakes have you made, yet we still gave you a DNH? We didnt come whinning to you did we? No. Grow up.

Stop attempting to run around harassing members of TSO simply because you feel so priviliged that you had a DNH with us. What we gave you was a NAP, not a uNAP with your country. That isnt to say you do not have a right to be mad, because you do and that is understandable. That is what we toke action against the member who did act out. How we did it and what we did is our business and not yours. If you do not trust we acted apporaitly in this situation, or if you think we did attempt hard enough to fix a members behavoir, then you do not have to have a DNH with us in the future.

I promise you two things.

First, you were on DNH. You have been on DNH and that has not changed at any point. DNH does not mean a member will not act on there own power to do what they will. If they do, they will be dault with by our own means. If that isnt good enough for you, then go away.

Second, countries who have a DNH with us and are yet, AND contact us like adults tend to see reps in some form. Sorry to say that other DNH's were hit this reset as well. You know how occured after words? Those DNH countries came to us and we gave them the apporiate reps. In some cases our countries dropped all their defenses just to repay the damages.

Do you know why we did these things? Because those people came to us like adults and communicated to us correctly.
If you treat us with respect we treat you with respect.

From what I see here, I doubt we will be treating you with any more respect if this is how you think you should talk to us.

Long story short.
stfu. gtfo.


Edited By: Jiman on Mar 16th 2012, 21:10:27
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