
Locutus Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 16:40:58

Kalick : sorry to ruin your moment of wittiness :P

trumper: Seems to me like I am the only one who should be ready to lie in the bed I made :P I was the one being an untagged douchebag ;). At best you can say MD made a bad call accepting me back in, but that could be said regardless if i ran this untagged country or not =P

Mr iris: Again the something out of nothing comment I made reflected the fact this was 'revealed' with much 'spectacle', I did not so much refer to my grabbing spree. Just that it's a bit silly to reveal a semi public 'secret' like it's a big deal. If someone had asked me (after I tagged up and specifying the correct country name (Like Sov misspelled it when he asked me earlier) then I would have just said, yup that was me (or not replied to the message, who knows, who cares) :P

As for being well respected and what not. This is a game, i am not actively playing it (as in running an alliance or trying to play a good country), so how people view it is less relevant.

It does however make for some fun controversy and spy hunting and stuff, which I do enjoy. Hence my posting here, it's all in good fun.

Besides, it's not like I hacked some email or anything, pfffft. heh

Edited By: Locutus on Feb 29th 2012, 16:43:00
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