
Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 9th 2012, 4:45:56

Originally posted by davidoss:
But I do think this whole LaF and Evo thing has gone too far. I've always maintained that the majority of the Evo/LaF folks just want to netgain in peace, but there was a lot of anger and fire being thrown back and forth which eventually led to the past 2-3 rests of war. I think it really has to stop now. Needless to say, the leaderships from both alliances need to star working together to achieve a more positive long-term outcome.

To be fair, LaF FS'd Evo in all of the war sets while pacted. I'm not sure that the issue is for BOTH sides to work together so much as the one side that keeps blind-siding the other.

@en4cer: I can imagine LaF leadership telling their members (and AT) they were in the right. But the logs have been posted multiple times. In the first war, the terms were convoluted, but SS admitted on AT he wanted to use them to 'void' the pact and hit Evo all along. The issue of whether that was valid or not (and whether SS heard what he wanted to hear from the chat with diez) is not that important. The fact he wanted to purposefully void a clause so that he could blindside FS Evo is pretty personal. That LaF leadership would go along with it speaks poorly for them. Especially since the only reason ever given is that Evo made a theme mocking LaF for dropping players in the last seconds of the set (for 2 or 3 resets straight). And it's pretty hard to believe several people all logged in at the last second and dropped tag unbeknownst to LaF leadership.

The FS this set by LaF was pretty dubious as well. The logs are posted, and Hanlong (I believe it was him) was "joking" that he was angry and was going to use the pact terms to hit Evo, and the Evo FA specifically said, no that's not how these terms work. Hanlong didn't argue, but then a short time later in the set, LaF broke those terms just as he had threatened before and tried to use the logic which he had already been told does not void the pact.

Hanlong promised me a message about all of this earlier on AT, but I'm still kind of waiting. Not about the history of what happened so much as WHY it happened. I have a thread about it floating around somewhere with the exact questions. Hopefully one day Hanlong will get around to it.

Regardless of the politics and leadership, I do like a lot of LaF guys. They are intelligent and honestly seem more interested in netting than grudge matches. But the leadership tends to enjoy the dirty side of politics (see above). They keep their cool and spin their stories and win the public opinion battle.

I like a lot of the Evo guys too. They are intelligent and honestly seem more interested in netting than grudge matches, but they are not into politics at all: the leadership wants to pact out enough to keep the many all-x and the few grabbers happy. In some sense they are naive, and they can wind up getting burned but how often do you see those guys (qz,yank, previously diez before RL took him away from us) make long posts on AT? So then the only thing AT sees are the passionate guys who unfortunately are angry and insulting and Evo loses the public opinion battle.

Sorry for that giant book.

Edited By: Tertius on Feb 9th 2012, 4:49:24. Reason: typo
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