


Feb 3rd 2012, 7:00:10

I find it funny that 10 years ago these threads would cone up " who's the Best net gainer" usually it was the same 9 or 10 names over and over.

Only difference is back then none of those would say " I'm better than so and so" instead would all claim to be at about the same level... And that any of them could win based on how a reset played out ( wars, suiciders, strat picked) and if you asked any player who they thought was the best all would say Ronnie.

Fast forward to now where we get the same sort if thread but its mainly posted on by players in that caliber insttead of those that admire them and players who are among the elite in the game ARE actually saying "I'm better than you"

So far the most useful post I've seen wss hanlong where he said his and highrocks strengths and that each has an area of the game they excel.

The rest of this thread is goofy

Edited By: Mr.Silver on Feb 3rd 2012, 7:09:41
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