


Feb 2nd 2012, 15:50:51

Pain/ Brinks..
This P.P. Guy is nothing more that a kid with a hard on for RD. Atleast every other week he posts some random crap and has suicided a number of times as well... All over some grudge from when he was in jr high or something.

No need really responding to a jackoff like that. Since it was brought up.. It's quite obvious Tan quit playing.. Got grabbed down to a smaller acreage then removed from the tag much like any other alliance would do... And much cleaner than those that remove countries from their tag and farm it for free while it retals or grabs otter.

I'm supposing this guy would want us to leave the country in our tag sitting there for a month and a half to kill our networth avg or maybe to donate it to his alliance to farm.

Either way he's an idiot

Edited By: Mr.Silver on Feb 2nd 2012, 15:53:24
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