
Xinhuan Game profile


Jan 22nd 2012, 23:31:17

Slagpit: Even if that part is wrong, the rest of the post is what i feel is wrong with the game mechanics.

You can believe what you want, the game mechanics are broken, I've offered my thoughts, its up to the game admins to decide if they want to fix it. There are plenty of suggestions on the B&S forums, but only the ones that take 5 minutes to implement are actually taken.

What was the last 2 game mechanics changes? Spy op DR change. And some bonus points % tweaks. Wooooohooooooooo.

There is really very little incentive to play apart from having the satisfaction of destroying enemies. War isn't even interesting or rewarding otherwise, its just "log on, do 40 BRs, logout", there is little incentive to restart, and yet countries die too easily.

Edited By: Xinhuan on Jan 22nd 2012, 23:34:25
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