
dagga Game profile


Jan 22nd 2012, 10:04:43

I'm making this thread as a reference to the increasing acts of cowardice in this game. As time goes on, people like to twist the truth and try to distance themselves from these acts. This will hopefully shine a light on them as time rolls on. This thread is for the use of no one else but myself.

Criteria for entry:
1 - Any war on a netgaining alliance that is without irreproachable justification for events that happened in the recent past (defined as the last 3 resets).
2 - Any war on a smaller alliance that is without irreproachable justification for events that happened in the recent past (defined as the last 3 resets).
3 - Any war that is is started by several alliances that results in a numbers advantage over the defending alliance. (Gangbang clause)
4 - Pact breaking to initiate a war.
5 - Any war that is initiated within the first 12 days.
6 - Any alliance that attacks another alliance and then calls in a DP to help them hit also.
7 - Any alliance that hits a smaller alliance inside the final 12 days of a reset.
8 - Any alliance that hits another alliance inside the final 12 days of a reset where the defending alliance has less than 25% war countries (defined as Tyrannies/Dictatorships)
9 - War Dec Dribble. A war declaration that rambles and throws ridiculous amount of mud,, hoping something sticks. The intent is to mask the fact the real reasons are 'we are cowards who are afraid of fighting you on even remotely even terms'.

"smaller" alliance means 20% of total numbers of aggressor.
"netgaining" means greater than 75% of countries that are not Tyranny/Dict.
"gangbang" refers to a situation where the aggressive bloc of alliances outnumber the defender(s) by 20%. Aggressive meaning, they started it.
"recent past refers to the previous 3 resets.

------- INDUCTEES ---------

Reset Twelve:

21/1/12: SOF hits TIE
Citation - Two in a reset is a good achievement, even for SOF. Having already conducted a disgraceful hit on a rebuilding EVO earlier in the set for no reason, their boredom turned to a clearly netgaining and smaller alliance in TIE. The justification was for a 'gangbang' the previous reset, but as results showed, all the advantages the previous reset were with the SOF side. Cited for disgrace on clauses 1, 2, 7, 8

18/12/12: LaF hits SOL
Citation - After several sets of manipulating politics so that they could gangbang their enemies to the point of disbanding, LaF again built countries with a short term, early war oriented intention. Reasons for war were along the lines of 'you would have hit us anyway at some point' and 'you hit us when we were netgaining 2 years ago'. All trollop. Cited for disgrace on clauses 2, 5, 9.

9/12/12: SOF hits Evo
Citation - For some undisclosed reason, LaF and their lapdogs had waged a campaign to destroy Evo for several resets and this reset continued in the same vein. SoF continued this trend with an extremely brave and honorable day 3 first strike on Evo with ridiculous reasons that included a 12 month grudge that Evo 'recruited' before their pre-arranged war the Xmas before. Highlights also included Evo's alleged 'flaming' on message boards. The war dec was one of the worst justifications of a bad war ever seen. Cited for disgrace on clauses 1, 5, 9.

Reset Eleven:
Highlights include:
LaF blindside on Evo
SoF calling in an FDP as an offensive ally
RIVAL for hitting SOL in defense of, wait.. They just hit SOL because SOF did.

Reset Ten:

Reset Nine:

Reset Eight:

Reset Seven:

Edited By: dagga on Jan 22nd 2012, 10:18:06
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signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22