
Sifos Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 4:54:55

(warning, wall of text)

Originally posted by hanlong:
and like what you said, that's the reason why you didn't FS Rival first. you didn't want their FDPs to come in.

so why did you change it to "at war" exactly?

Why do you keep pressure on this change which obviously you had gain from (well if there hadn't been a mess up with another pact also in effect anyway, if there's two pacts, the stronger one has to be the right (unless the other one contain negative clauses, but then it's to messy to be practical anyway)). And if and when it's in place, why would it make any differance to Evo whetever they FS or get FS'ed? They tried to get Rival to FS them, to avoid the clause which you say they removed (or introduced a weaker version of).

Originally posted by hanlong:
00:31:45: <Don_Hanlong> the term i want is same as sof's

might been a typo which you might have interpreted wrongly. i meant to type "the terms i want is same as sof's".

term made no sense in that context anyways and you didnt question it so i assume you understood me

And it's a formal offence to not fullfill your asumption that people read between the lines? You're not obligated to fullfill your pacts if the other side did not interpret you correctly, even though you admitedly used bad wording and then signed the pact after having it displayed for you?

[quote poster=hanlong; 14639; 261508]and i never told you that was what we agreed.

did i say "oh yah i agreed to standard" pact?

i said

"[23:04] <Don_Hanlong> whatever"

And that was after already signing the said pact. It's pretty bad to have the attitude "whatever" to signed pacts.

Originally posted by hanlong:

i'll do it in a few hours when i get home back to my win7 so i can screenshot for you.

Getting old.

Originally posted by BattleKJ:

(Long letter convo)

Too add even more confusion, it seems that you may not only have had 2 pacts, but 3 :P

The one hanlong complains about because of its abigious start, a standard unap, and a standard LaF unap. While the first may be in effect or not, the other two are clearly not since they're for "the rest of the set", and "the remainder of the set".

Originally posted by hanlong:
you still have more logs you didn't share, but like i said i only address what you share kj.

You also said you will be posting a lot of logs, while at the same time critizing BKJ for not posting the stuff you want?!?.

Originally posted by hanlong:
so you intend to use it for next reset? so you are a dipfluff who signs 3 reset peace pact to break for the very reset it starts.


You over use that HanLogic way too much. Where does this insinuation of Evo signing a pact just so they can break it come from? You see no other reasons to sign a pact?

Originally posted by hanlong:
i had the same interpretation as hawkeyee. and he's not in LaF. heh

You had the interpretation that you ONLY broke ONE of SEVERAL pacts?

Originally posted by Unsympathetic:

News flash: Nobody "has" to accept your values or your facts.

I think many will by their own.

Originally posted by hanlong:

just post more logs. i dare you. you know i will eventually and we can come back to this post and every single person who plays this game can collectively laugh at your sorry ass. i can almost gaurantee it.

It will probably be too late. Many will already have spent hours reading stuff which heavily favours your antagonist.

Originally posted by hanlong:
not everyone.

that's enough for me. we're done here for now.

You don't have high standards if it's enough for you that you yourself think you havn't broken any pacts.


End of thread...

Knowing I'm prone to be biased since having Evo as allies and having fought for them, I'd like to think due all the confusion last set that I had no fluffing clue who had the moral high ground. I was in for our defense on Evo by pure honor to the DP.

This set it's pretty clear though. Sure, the FA negotiation clearly had some bad ambiguities and missphrasings, and the fact that 3 pacts seem to have been signed is a mess. This is on both sides. However, to me it seems regardless how you turn it, LaF broke 1 or possibly 2 of 3 signed pacts.

Hanlong makes no statements about the mail convo being wrong, but in his defense instead focuses on the one pact which wasn't broken and possibly not even in effect.

Evo had my country (well, countries) in this dispute last set, they have my heart and soul for the following ones.

Originally posted by MechicanGirl:
It is gonna be a long time, I am sure before either of you see a net set again.

I'll surely use my influence in imag to have them spend their sets dying, or atleast hitting countries tagged imag, for a while.

Edited By: Sifos on Jan 9th 2012, 4:58:09. Reason: quote not working
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