
hanlong Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 0:04:21

Originally posted by Slagpit:
me: so... resign our unap + sign the coalition terms ? yes
Sent at 2:09 PM on Tuesday
me: signed! qzjul, evo vp k signed hanlong LaF don :P

Wonder what amazing lie we're going to hear next?

"Of course we signed the same pact twice, that's how we've always done it!"


i resigned our uNAP 3 resets ago.

when did i ever confirm renewal of that uNAP? i didn't know i was bound to a uNAP that was 3 resets ago that wasn't renewed this reset. uNAPs don't carry over unless renewed you know ;P

quoting anoniem again:

From: anoniem
To: hanlong
Subject: RE: RE: renew uNAP
Date: Oct 3rd, 19:34
Message Body:
oh right. thx

----------------------- Original Message -----------------------
? not sure what you are referring to. our old pact stands unless explicitly cancelled. unless you want to sign two pacts for one reset? not sure how that works

----------------------- Original Message -----------------------
I'm not asking to be friends. just whether u want to renew the uNAP or not :P

i said "unless you want to sign two pacts for one reset?". if anoniem said yes and i confirmed then yes we had both pacts, but i specifically asked about it and
he said oh right thx, which means the uNAP wasn't ever renewed. i don't even have to provide proof to show you are trying to win an argument that's not even an
argument but yet another attempt at bad trolling.

Edited By: hanlong on Oct 19th 2011, 0:07:35
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Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia