
Mars UP Game profile


Sep 29th 2011, 5:50:26

First, Michael Bourn will not win you a world Series, he's just a nice complementary piece.

Second, while having the best pitching prospects in baseball is great, you have no idea if they will ever pan out. For every one Tom Glavine out there, there are 100's of Brien Taylor's and Mark Prior's. The Rangers have a young stud in Martin Perez but I would trade him in a heart beat if it meant getting somebody like a Roy Halladay or a Cliff Lee.

Third, just because I can't stand your guts doesn't mean it's clouding my judgement on the Braves. I think the Braves are a good team but they are a lot like the LA Angels to me, a borderline playoff team. They need to stop acting like a 100 million dollar payroll is going to kill them and get more production out of that lineup unfortunely that looks like that will have to wait until 2013. Probably wouldn't kill them to just cut their losses on Nate McLouth and Derek Lowe either.

Edited By: Mars UP on Sep 29th 2011, 19:53:23
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