
Xintros Game profile


Sep 19th 2011, 12:25:06

Thank you Marshal.

Views : 81 Duration : 00:01Comments : 8 = 9 additional views since this post.

This thread only has 5 views. idk if anyone else but you watched it that was not a member of the site. Thanks for replying here as well. I do not have enough information to make an evaluation hrrm.... It's currently 5th in views for last week. 18th for the month of September. I put it up on 9/11. (Uploaded by xintros — 1 week ago )
The the 2nd most viewed video for the month was Uploaded by reliablebow2 — 4 days ago - 192 views
The 1st most viewed video was for the month was Uploaded by withnailus 1 week ago — 199 views
imma gonna watch em see whats good about them.

Edited By: Xintros on Sep 19th 2011, 12:46:29. Reason: more statistics.
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"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a killrrun" - Xintros