
Rockman Game profile


Sep 14th 2011, 17:29:06

martian - every element other than 0 is a successor is true if 0 and its successors are the entire set. But what if 0 and its successors are not the entire set?

additionally, 0 cannot be the successor of itself, because 0 is not the successor of any number. So {0,0,0,0...} is not valid.

The way you phrased the induction axiom seems to imply that, but the way I've seen the induction axiom phrased does not seem to imply that. I guess there is variance in the way the induction axiom is phrased, but it seems odd for such a large variance to exist.

Edited By: Rockman on Sep 14th 2011, 17:31:31
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