
anoniem Game profile


Aug 15th 2011, 12:40:38

Is everybody reading this? SOF are going to send suiciders EVO's way.

SOF support suiciders.

Some snippets of my "convo" with Ivan, where he threatens to:
1) Suicide EVO and two-step the fluff out of us
2) threatens to kill evo/never let us net
3) threatens to break out pact

[13:32] IvanWAR: im not paranoid
[13:32] IvanWAR: lol
[13:32] IvanWAR: im sure these suiciders are RD/NA
[13:32] anoniem: and threatening to suicide evo
[13:32] IvanWAR: I'll threaten with whatever the hell i want to
[13:32] IvanWAR: and one way or another you will learn to respect other tags land
[13:35]anoniem: go on suicide us all u want
[13:36] IvanWAR: stop being a fluffing 5 year old
[13:36] IvanWAR: ok then we will
[13:36] anoniem: so you're going to suicide us
[13:36] anoniem: LOL
[13:36] IvanWAR: go fluff kj now
[13:36] anoniem: what a crybaby hyprocrite
[13:36] IvanWAR: im going to 2 step the fluff out of you

So it makes me wonder. All the animosity towards SoL over the past year, but who consistenly threatens to kill EVO and any other netting alliance they feel like? Who threatened to FS people after choosing them out of a hat if they didn't agree to a friendly war? Who gets their friendly war and then complains about the numbers? Who then threatened not to fulfil the friendly war UNAP pact cos EVO "recruited" too many members? Who is led by Ivan?

Edited By: anoniem on Aug 15th 2011, 12:47:38
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