
Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jul 13th 2011, 21:08:21

a black hole is something that can infinitely digest the mass of things around it without exploding in a burst of fusion and hence producing light? would that mean that gravity isn't actually based on mass? oh well, guess i should figure out how many pieces of paper i'll need.

5332 raised to the power of
4726 raised to the power of
9402 raised to the power of
6681 raised to the power of 8390

so, i have 12 raised to the power of 2.
equals 24. number of digits is same as the base, but 1 bigger than the exponent.

so, i have 12 raised to the power of 12.
equals 144. number of digits is 1 bigger than the base and the exponent.

so, i have 12 raised to the power of one-hundred eleventy.
where's my calculator...

lotta farking digits. don't think windows calculator is going to cut it.

should probably look up the meaning of exponent and base, and call martian a bunch of names just for the fluff of it.

Edited By: Dibs Ludicrous on Jul 13th 2011, 21:33:12
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