
H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jun 2nd 2011, 18:44:46

You are being very convienant in your interpretation of ANW Confu.

If you feel that dropping inactives is fair on the basis that those members don't represent the "average" member of Evo, then by extension you should be removing the extremely large countries as well, as they similarly don't represent the average member as their activity is usually might higher than what would be considered average or typical.

Thats the rub when it comes to measuring averages via a mean. Negative outliers drag your average down, and positive outliers drag it up. To make a claim such as your corfu is to place a strong bias (or rather completely ignoring) the second half of the equation, and is a statistical abuse of the mean measurement.

If you truely feel that ANW should represent the "average" or "typical" member, then I suggest changing our ANW measurement from using the mean, to using the median.

Switching from the mean to the median is something I've argued in favour of for some time. Slag and I even had a discussion and a did a brief analysis together on what the expected outcome of such a change would be.

I made the recommendation to move to a median because it would be a better reflection of exactly what you are talking about. I made this recommendation knowing very well that it would, on average, negatively impact LaF's average NW moreso than Evo's (as LaF tends to have a lot more positive outlier countries pulling up our ANW than Evo does).

So I'm sorry, I see what you are trying to say, but unfortunately you argument just doesn't hold any water.

Edited By: H4xOr WaNgEr on Jun 2nd 2011, 18:49:10. Reason: Fixed typos
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