
de1i Game profile


May 3rd 2011, 21:52:06

25 mill turrets on 200k =/= 2.5 mill turrets on 20k land.

I'll use the latest hit on me as to why. I'm running #1502, an NBKer with 20 million jets and *significantly less than 1 million turrets* just grabbed me. To me that's not done to 'netgain' like they currently are, that is done out of malice to see big numbers. I can have as many turrets as humanly possible right now and there will be people running all jetters out to grab me for the lulz, hence the use of DR.

This is something I've seen done while a member of NBK, by members and leaders there. Regardless of how 'minimal' the losses, when you're that big you're going to be targeted often and speaking from experience it adds up. While I don't take it personally, I find it douchey and lame.

Edited By: de1i on May 3rd 2011, 23:29:29
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