
Drinks Game profile


Apr 8th 2011, 2:54:13

To begin. The key to success in this game is specialising. So you focus on 1 type of building.

Here is a simple farmer start up i use.

Go to purchases > Sell military> Sell 100 troops
Go to Manage: Change to 100% spies
Build 16 CS (construction sites)
Build 9 farms
Build 16 CS
Sell bushels on the private market (purchases>sell military>Sell bushels)
Build 13 farms
(you will see Except for Construction Sites, you can build 13 buildings per turn.
Construction Sites require one turn each.) [Which is why you built 13 farms. Always stick to the number written there, except for CS]

Consutrction sites take 1 turn to build 1. You want to build these in multiples of 4. because every 4 your get, increase how many buildings you can build per turn.

Then continue building CS and building farms and exploring when you need land. While selling bushels every turn on the private market (or if your lazy every 5 or so turns)

Once you get to turn 100 and come out of protection you want to go to the public market ("Market") to buy some turrets to defend your land. Basically you stick to having mostly farms, then sell the bushels for an income. You then use this income to buy defense and agriculture tech from the public market ("market")

Thats the basics of playing this game.

Edited By: Drinks on Apr 8th 2011, 2:58:20
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<Drinks> going to bed
<Drinks> pm me if I get hit
<-- Drinks is now known as DrinksInBed -->
<DrinksInBed> looks like I'm an alcoholic