
Notorious Game profile


Mar 24th 2011, 11:36:28

After re-reading the Reset #0011 entry, which ends with:

We also used this Reset as some sort of a netgaining Reset. Several of our better players were encouraged to try to play a top country, we ended the Reset ranked 2nd in total networth, behind a very dominant lineup from Laf.

and checking the waybackmachine, that appears to be the sep 2001 reset

the march 2001 reset, the one i mentioned, only has this entry:

Reset #0009: Fighting LCN and friends
- jeff ab'd some LCNer - SoF offered lcn alot of reps - SoF fs'd LCN cause they went bulfluffin
stay tuned for Helmets log with Lynn and claims of PHD**

i seem to remember us (horizon) getting killed by sof and i was only in horizon for 1.5 resets (resets 0010 and 0011 my finishes are on waybackmachine, in UCN and Rage respectively), maybe helmet/patience/someone else has a better memory than i do

also, this would mean that reset 0001 was the july 99 reset

Edited By: Notorious on Mar 24th 2011, 11:42:06
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