
paladin Game profile


Mar 24th 2011, 8:57:20

Originally posted by Pang:
since we're all just posting our opinions, I'll post mine too! :p

Based on my past interactions with PDM, I'd guess they are likely still too pig headed to make peace with RD, even if RD offered.

PDM is probably thinking about how they can ruin some netting fun in the future for alliances they don't like, all the while trying to preach that they are "so hard done by" while adopting policies which are obviously going to get them into conflicts with the alliances they try to enforce them against... which include RD. It's possible that peace with RD isn't necessary, because the conflict isn't even close to being over, in PDM's mind.

On a separate topic, why didn't you tell SoL that their war with iMag should be over a few weeks ago? They were surely taught a lesson well before the actual peace was made...

Sadly at this point in time I have to agree with pang.

Edited By: paladin on Mar 24th 2011, 9:00:07
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No, I don't know what I'm doing. That much should obvious by now.