
Pang Game profile

Game Development

Mar 22nd 2011, 14:25:07

ya, DL's post is pretty on the money -- although LaF never aided IX's "extra" countries while I was in leadership, so I'd call that part into question, at least from 2006/2007 onward. Anything which was sent wasn't done. During most of my time in leadership while LaF/IX were "friends" we knew IX was politicking against us behind the scenes, so we weren't super keen on sending them a lot of aid regardless. :p

And lots of talk of Rival here... well Rival was in bed with IX as much as SoL was at the end of Rival. And WoG was basically IX jr, and IX's single DP, when they came back at the end of e2025 :p

and, on a closing note, the times when SoL and IX and SoF explicitly had the plan to kill everyone else on the server and "win the game" were a major part of why the EC community took a nosedive that last year of e2025. during the most difficult time in the game's history, the leaders of those alliances thought "let's kill it further." that was kind of a fluff move :p

Edited By: Pang on Mar 22nd 2011, 14:44:05
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