


Mar 12th 2011, 19:44:57

Originally posted by Slagpit:
It's just typical warrer entitlement: warrers feel as if they have the right to start fights with half a dozen different clans during the set, but once they get into a war, all of their enemies should respect that and line up to get revenge one at a time.

FoCuS folks love trolling IMP. Had they not been in war, it might have forced us into one just for fun. But FoCuS IS in a war and IMP and FoCuS both have enough respect to leave each other alone for the time being.

Originally posted by Twain:
Originally posted by Slagpit:
Of course you screwed up. Why would you think that an alliance that pissed off so many groups of people wouldn't have to suffer any consequences? You should have attempted to broker a deal between IMP and Xtinct.

Xtinct/SancT had plenty of opportunity to go after IMP earlier in this set, instead, Xtinct went after Swords. Once CC/IMP started, Xtinct missed their opportunity and should've stayed out of it. Similarly, IMP/PANLV had issues last set, and IMP could've come after us, but NBK declared on us instead, so IMP stayed out of it, as they should.

It's not CC's problem that Xtinct/IMP have had issues, and it's not Xtinct's place to jump a clan that's already warring, especially when CC/IMP made their war plans as public as possible.

Or maybe there's something that's going over my head. That's always possible.

^ this

Originally posted by Crippler ICD:
I believe him

No one cares about imp.

Confirmed! Oh..wait.... dammit

Edited By: EViL on Mar 12th 2011, 19:54:31
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