
Deerhunter Game profile


Feb 20th 2011, 23:59:29

NightShade, i grant you there are some rough areas in CA, but i am from St. Louis- South Side. And as i am sure most of you know St. Louis is ranked the most dangerous city in America. Looks to be the second year in a row. I must concur. Even as a kid there were days when i would be in 3 fights just going home from school. Hell, once i fought every day for 3 weeks till they other guy changed schools over it. Knives and guns were in my Jr high and High School. And i even saw a pregnant girl with a chain wrapped around her fist punching a guy through a car window as he was trying to drive off (during a massive fight between my school and another in a shopping save parking lot).

I used to be a builder here in charge of building new homes- THREE times i had people trying to sneak up on me! The only thing saved me there was carrying a hammer or a larger wrench. Many times as a kid people tried to break into our house. The fact is there are so many bad things ive seen and even done here it's kind of sad. I guess that is why as an adult i do so much Deer Hunting- to get away form this place. So if your city is bad in CA NightShade, i welcome you to come to live in St. Louis for a while.

Edited By: Deerhunter on Feb 21st 2011, 0:11:01. Reason: obvious
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Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!