
Prima Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 7:35:00

If you are a member of SoL this is to inform you I will be taking my retals.

this reset you hit my country 467 times, ultimately killing the country 10 days after the I legitimately took 3 retals

you now owe me 109,278 retals (escalating).

the rules I will use for my retals will be based on your own retals against my country

1. no time limits
--- this means I will take my retals during any reset I feel like taking my retals in. In as many resets as I feel like taking them in.

2. farm at will
--- this means I will hit any country I want as many times as I feel like hitting said country.

3. any type of attack is legit
--- this means I will retal anyway I feel like.

since a good percentage of SoL found it to acceptable to kill my country i.e. 14 countries out 73 tagged or 19% of the alliance I will simply take my retals on any country I see tagged as SoL.


You have hereby been notified that any hits coming from one of my countries are to be considered retals. If you do not want to be retaled upon by one of my countries in the future your best option is to simply not tag up as SoL.

The Retals will continue until such time:

1. you apologize for killing # 780 and publicly state you will stop killing countries for taking legit retals,

2. hell freezes over

3. or all 100K plus retals have been taken without RoRs.

lets have some fun.


P.S. to the rest of the alliances on the server I will not be tagged or take my retals while tagged or at any point after being tagged in your alliance during a reset.

in return:

War hits against SoL while tagged for an alliance warring SoL will not be deducted from the retals owed.

Edited By: Prima on Jan 31st 2011, 7:58:56
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ZDH: Doesn't the Tigress do all the hunting and killing anyway?
Happy Hunting - Tigress