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Jan 12th 2011, 15:49:37

Originally posted by trumper:
Originally posted by Trife:
'in contrast to the rest of the server who decided pointless wars were a thing of the past'

Sweet, I'm glad there won't be anymore pointless wars anymore!

Trife 1
BiffBuff 0

In all seriousness, SOL did what they said they would do and LCN didn't tolerate being pushed around by Rage. I honestly don't see anything wrong with either Rage's decision to call in SOL, SOL's decision to join or LCN's decision to settle it all.

also +1 for trumper's post too

LCN was justified in hitting RAGE, RAGE was justified in calling in SoL, and it took a lot of balls for LCN to not call in someone else.

Clutch at straws however you like, but this round makes LCN shine and threads like this only serve to make RAGE and SoL look like sore 'winners' and sully an otherwise good war effort by both sides.
On the other side of that 'what if' coin, if iMag hadn't bailed on the war, LCN+iMag would have easily kept SoL+RAGE down, as the numbers would be more favourable with infinitely more breaking power.

Edited By: Pang on Jan 12th 2011, 16:02:58
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