


Dec 31st 2010, 4:00:03

UxLOSE is going to be a netting & war clan. I founded it several years back as a multi-game alliance but recently dissolved due leadership disputes, long periods of no activity, members leaving, among other things; However:

I intend to rebuild it to be a solid alliance. Even though it will mean from the ground up. I did it once; I can do it again. I am running this set to attempt show a bit of what's in store, on a very small scale.

Here are the beliefs the clan was founded on and will continue to abide by:

1.) Teamwork. Decisions will be made for the good of the clan. We aren't going to head into a war that will clearly end in a suicide. There is a difference between honor and idiocy. We will get what we rightfully deserve when the time comes that we can take it.

2.) Foreign Affairs. We are generally peaceful, unless we are forced into a war. We aren't going to go around looking for trouble, and we will cooperate to a reasonable extent with all alliances; big and small. However, when we have to, we will fight and we'll fight hard.

3.) Fun. The main purpose of any game is to have fun. No member of the clan will ever be pushed into giving out a phone number, to attend every kill run (Though we do expect you to be at least somewhat active in any wars), or to let the game interfere with their personal life more than they intend. it is understood and accepted that you have a life outside of the game.

4.) State of the art tools. We will always do our best to have the top tools to assist us with the game, to the extent permitted within the rules and spirit of the game. For example, we will more than likely use automated text messaging to alert members when they are needed urgently (ie. If they are getting killed), etc.

See Also:

Self-farming: I'm sure you've noticed by now, but we see self-farming as acceptable. Unless there are rules against it, I see it as a acceptable way of playing, and within the spirit of the 16 country limit as per the creators of -this- game, even if not in the past Earth 2025. This is a new game, and it clearly has new rules.

To Apply/ For Questions: Contact me.
icq 632129592

Edited By: Ghost on Dec 31st 2010, 4:02:12
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