
NOW3P Game profile


Dec 30th 2010, 19:38:51

Anything earlier would just be giving away a perfectly good tactical advantage, wouldn't it?

I mean, if you even post a war dec 10 min before you actually hit a clan, that's enough time for a leader to call just about every member and warn them to get online.

Point of reference - When RoCK "FS'ed" LaE, we had a few days warning it was coming, and about an hour of warning of the actual timing of the FS coming. We were able to get a lot of folks online to wall, and plenty more to CS RoCK WHILE they were FS'ing. This meant that RoCK not only lost their FS advantage, but that LaE was able to turn their strategy against them with our CS. We would have steamrolled them one way or the other, but knowing their FS time/date made it that much quicker and easier.

Edited By: NOW3P on Dec 30th 2010, 19:42:09
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