


Dec 30th 2010, 19:21:47

Originally posted by NOW3P:
Couple points of clarification....

- KA's war dec was posted as the 2nd kill of our FS was being made (See "So Swords...", which I chose to post instead of getting a kill or two before I had to leave for the Wolves game). We apologize for not giving more advance notice to Swords, but we like our kill targets NOT to wall in a FS, so decided against declaring 2 days ago. If you're that anal on when decs are posted, well....fluff off. It means nothing at all, so get over it.

>>> Not very pleasant talk from an ally. I don't think Kyle meant to ruffle any feathers with you in his post - if he did, maybe he was mistaken or missed your post. Can't we all just get along? ;)

- I was first told IMP was planning on FS'ing PAN about 10 or 11 days ago (will check MSN to see which), and asked to see if we couldn't help keep it from happening. The whole "wanted to avoid this" line strikes me as a load of BS.

>>> You were told wrong. IMP actually was trying to back off grabs from PANLV and due to Joeskin being in the tag, agreed not to hit we didn't want to take out such easy targets as most of them had zero defense before these hostilities. Either way, IMP had always and will always stick by its UNAPs.

Best of luck to everyone, though.

Edited By: EViL on Dec 30th 2010, 19:25:41
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