
Pang Game profile

Game Development

Dec 30th 2010, 0:56:22

Since I'm going away for a week tomorrow, I'll post this now:

Effective immediately, I'm stepping down as Don and allowing Don Enshula to take over!

If any of you remember my don-ship announcement, you'll remember it was only going to be until the holidays, after which we'd transition to someone else.

Don Enshula will be LaF's new Don and Eugene will step up to take on the role of Political Advisor.

On that same token, I will also be retiring from actively playing (that should make most people happy :D). The reasoning for this is that I'm heading back to school to wrap up my Masters research. To do this, I'm taking time off from work. If I can take time off work, I can most certainly take time off from LaF.

Enshula, Eug and Hanlong will be available for all your LaF needs shortly into the new year. For now I think we're all going to be on vacation :p

Don Pang

Edited By: Pang on Dec 30th 2010, 1:13:05
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