
allbymyself87 Game profile


Sep 29th 2024, 5:19:23

For netting, can join:
1) Bad4U
2) weedylar

Both have been around for quite some sets.
Bad4U is still quite active with around 3 to 5 members on every set.
weedylar on the other hand is shrinking. They are down to 2 members on this reset. Not surprised if they quit someday.

For war, there are 2 coalitions. You can either join:
1) Darkness + Freedom OR
2) MKR + Lights

Usually is around 15 vs 15 for both sides.

If you're planning to war with your own new team, you might need to recruit up to 30 members to take out both existing coalitions. :)

If you're planning to net with your own new team, would be better to try pact up with both war coalitions to avoid from getting farmed.

If you're planning to play as untag, high chances you will get farmed unless you have insane defense.

Edited By: allbymyself87 on Sep 29th 2024, 5:38:20
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All by myself
Don't wanna be
All by myself anymore