
Leto Game profile

EE Patron

May 28th 2024, 15:32:13

Your coalition (SOL, Stones, and Mercs) has done a great job and y'all are still the top dogs on the server, for the time being. You learn from doing and you have to do in order to figuring out things. Watching y'all wall and do your runs, even if being on the receiving side of them, it's impressive.

There's no need to sugarcoat anything, we are where we are. In recent days, we have added a warbot that we are testing and that will add more parity. It is what it is, we are proud men and women and when some BS happens, expect a response. I'll take full responsibility and accountability for what we have done.

Our site, is still being created. We look forward to recruiting, training and developing our returning vats. We look forward to the breaking the mold that has steadily decreased the games membership and be the best that we can be.

Edited By: Leto on May 28th 2024, 15:36:24. Reason: Can't speel
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