
Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Mar 19th 2024, 23:32:47

* reduce game time to 2 hours
* add customization options for Private Matches server
* rotate start time for Private Matches server

We're actively working on a pair of new servers designed for players who prefer the warring side of the game.

The Single Combat server will offer a true player vs player tournament style experience. Paired up players will fight in 2 hour games that run from 21:00 GT to 22:59 GT. Each tournament will consist of 8 games with players getting matched against each other according to their records. One game will be fought every 4 days. It is only possible for a single player to win all 8 matches of each tournament. At the end of each tournament, players will be ranked by wins with fewest losses, fewest deaths, most kills, and total networth tiebreakers.

The Private Matches server will restarts daily with 2 hour games, but the start time of the game will rotate to make it easier for players in different time zones. A player with premium access can create a game and share their private code with other players. This server is intended to be a customized version of the Single Combat server. Clans will be permitted. The creator will choose when protection ends and the maximum number of players for the game. Players can use it to practice their builds for the Single Combat server, to engage in friendly duels, and to arrange for quick clan-based warfare. Perhaps some players can use it to resolve their differences instead of bickering endlessly on the forums for years.

There are a number of gameplay differences planned for these servers:

* The maximum number of turns will be chosen to make killing another country difficult, but not impossible.
* One turn will be awarded every 4 seconds.
* Protection will be time-based instead of turn-based.
* Countries will not pay military expenses during protection, but military units will still consume food.
* Countries can sell and recall goods on the public market during protection.
* Countries can perform a single regular spy op during protection which is guaranteed to succeed.
* Spy DR will increase at a slower rate.
* Land drops will always be allowed.
* Population will grow at a slower rate.
* Losing population will not impact the production of unrelated buildings.
* There are no humanitarians rules, including restrictions on attacking at the end of the reset.
* Oil can be purchased on the private market.
* The public market will automatically purchase technology priced below $1001.
* Countries cannot restart.
* Bonuses will not be available.
* NPC countries will play in a separate, private game to help stabilize the public market.

There are a few additional changes for the Single Combat server only:

* A random time for the end of protection will be chosen at the individual game level. Protection will end when 30-60 minutes are remaining in the reset.
* The Dictatorship government cannot be selected.
* Each game will have a random win condition chosen from NW, population, land, buildings, and jets at home. This win condition will be announced at the beginning of each game.
* 3 buildings will randomly not be available. Both players in each game will work under the same restrictions. CS will always be allowed.
* Countries cannot restart. Instead, they will automatically be created for future rounds. There is no concept of early elimination from the tournament.

To give an example, suppose that two players have won their first seven games of the tournament. They will be guaranteed to fight against each other in game A for the final round. They will fight under conditions which are randomly determined. For example:

* Protection lasts for 100 minutes.
* The win condition for the end of the game is most networth.
* Both players cannot build enterprise zones, military bases, and research labs.

Other games in the same round will have different randomly decided conditions.

I am open to feedback on any subject in this thread. All player feedback will be read, but I will likely prioritize spending my time developing the new servers instead of responding here.

Edited By: Slagpit on Mar 20th 2024, 23:23:09
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