
SuperFly Game profile


Mar 17th 2024, 17:33:19

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Oh so you suddenly are an expert in netting? Lol how many wins do you have over there in primary?

Do tell me how to jump oh expert superfly oh please teach us lowly suiciders how you get such high scores

well considering that I only ever play to war as you state and I am not netter like you were back in 2023 before you went suicider. It is astonishing that I somehow seem to have most of the Earth Empires overall records in fields that are generally regarded as netting benchmarks. BTW this is easily verifiable buy clicking the fancy new profile button beside my name:

so you might have a thing or two to learn from a guy like me before you eventually vanish and disappear like all of the other people who have shown up in the past to beef with me and couldn't "hang" as you mentioned earlier. Eventually you will join the long list of people who thought they would chase me out but ended leaving tail tucked between their legs...

Edited By: SuperFly on Mar 17th 2024, 17:35:57
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