
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 5th 2023, 2:09:06

Lol KoH. Bill Hicks (RIP) had this great bit about being "for the war, but against the troops." Like, it's pretty good that people who want to kill other people have a job we can employ them for, rather than interacting with dirtbags like me at the local pub lol.

One person being wrong doesn't automatically make another person correct. People can be wrong simultaneously.

You'd like Doug Stanhope in a video called something like "battle of Austin" on YouTube. He had Alex Jones open for him and just do his radio bits selling diet pills and riling people up, and then goes on to a fully toxic environment of the crowd fighting each other over listening to Alex Jones for 20 minutes, and just runs the gamut of abortion jokes, military jokes, etc. It's a 20 year old video, but just being who we are in this community, and knowing you for a while. I think you'd find it all time awesome. I'll turn it up when I get done working lol.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 5th 2023, 2:19:02
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