
Turtle Crawler Game profile


Jul 18th 2023, 17:09:42

Originally posted by x:
Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
Originally posted by Symbolic:
I still find it funny the TC is going on like the good guy here.

We very carefully make decisions on LaF so that everything is justified and under close scrutiny we won't be found to be anything but the good guy. It's both the right thing to do and necessary if you wish to maintain a high quality playerbase, which is why we can take any alliance 1:1 or with equal members. SOL, for example, doesn't, they break unbreakable pacts and do all kinds of nastyness.

This is a joke right? You got me laffing over here. Laf could not go toe to toe with an alliance of equal members. Why else do you think they celebrate this update? They suck at war and now get to hide behind a feature.

I'm not even sure how you come to that conclusion. Two resets ago we had less players on our side and won, last reset it had to be extremely lopsided for us to lose. LaF has always been able to out war the "war" alliances, as two resets ago demonstrated yet again. LaF members aren't just better on average at netgaining, but produce better results in every way in this game.