
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 6th 2023, 6:05:29

Originally posted by galleri:
Don't let these guys demand you join a team. You do you. No one, and I mean no one ever messed with CROATIA.

*let me get off my soap box

Eh. Gogy was all x. You know how netters get crazy over 1 LG, galleri. You play in LaF in 1a and they react like someome abducted their child if 1 LG happens, so you should understand these maths. As a netter who likes war, my set is not a winning one if 1 LG happens because of the money spent on jets and expenses to recover my land, etc. And it just feels like the only reason the other guy won is because he didn't get hit. Meh. If you like war at all, I think 1 LG is reason enough to kill/war. Continuing to net after it would be boring and worthless.

As much as people say that untagged countries get rekd here, they really don't until they hit into either a war tag that kills them immediately because they were looking for stuff to kill, or a netting tag that definitely sinks that player's finish out of the top few, so it's just like fluff it, imma wreck this guy. This is primarily an all x to win server, and people who make LGs or take hits very rarely finish top 5.

Here, 1 LG can be the difference between winning the server and 7th place. And I've got enough top 10s. If I'm not on for 65 million I might as well be killing. I don't even get mad about it. I just stop netting and start hitting. Lol

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jun 6th 2023, 8:05:05
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