
Klown Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 18:45:16

I swear, Americans and their guns. We must have stricter gun control because this kind of thing only happens in America. Other places banned guns so lunatics can't get their hands on them, why can't we do that here? Only in America...

snawdog Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 18:56:31

Uh...That was in England...
ICQ 364553524

Detmer Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 20:09:31

Originally posted by snawdog:
Uh...That was in England...

I am pretty sure he was trying to express his right to get shot by a criminal by sarcastically saying that these crimes only happen in America when he can find an anomalous case in a place that has a gun ban.

braden Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 20:09:42

americans are hillbillies, racists and were hellbent on invading just about any middle eastern country they could, iraq just pulled the short straw.
(would it be too easy to make a camel reference?)

the second amendment is a murderer, or at the very least an accomplice or co conspirator.

braden Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 20:10:54

i believe jefferson made madison add that (edit to madison from a far more ubiquitous "them") . If it was a true democracy, you would be allowed to be shot to death by a criminal. To live otherwise is living under fascism. Not in America.

Edited By: braden on Jun 2nd 2010, 20:13:46

Detmer Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 20:15:20

Originally posted by braden:
i believe jefferson made them add that. If it was a true democracy, you would be allowed to be shot to death by a criminal. To live otherwise is living under fascism. Not in America.

The notion that owning a gun is somehow freedom from government is out-dated. When the military consisted of people with their personal fire arms that was one thing. If the US military were to mobilize its citizens, the US would be better prepared than the population of Britain... but until people own private tanks guns are nothing more than a symbol of the past, something used to kill defenseless animals and something used to commit successful home invasion.

braden Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 20:27:35

no, the crow bar is used for the successful home invasion, the gun is used by the mexican and negro (is that not what they prefer?) gangs to shoot at innocent by standers. I have an idea, why don't you make it illegal to be in a gang war, and shoot at innocent civillians... oh, yea, i guess it is, isn't it?

lets start picking and choosing from the bill of rights. nobody seems to care about ten anymore, so goodbye. Two is wanted in fifteen states for capitol murder, I'm sure. One is pretty good, I think we all like talking words, right? patriot act takes care of five, i think it is. Nobody needs protection from the government housing troops, that was important enough to be third, it's gone. Fourth is also the patriot act, goodbye. Six just wastes tax dollars, and in this economy, who can really afford it? and now i seem to forget the rest :P but chances are we don't need them

Detmer Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 21:01:15

The bill of rights was meant to protect people. There are provisions for changing the government to reflect modern times, that is what an amendment. If people find that the second amendment allows for greater infringement of their pursuit of life, liberty and happiness than it enhances it, they have a right to repeal it.

So your approach to the issue is, we'll make it illegal to kill people and then turn a blind eye when people keep getting killed?

Clearly there is a direct relationship between owning guns and killing people with guns. Sure, most people are responsible and don't use their guns for illegal purposes, but it is the availability and access to guns that allows them to be used illegally.

braden Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 21:08:09

That is like saying you shouldn't be allowed to use tylenol because I might swallow seventeen of them and drink a bottle of vodka..

my approach is to make the punishment for a gun crime unbearably harsh (that is one of the ten, but who needs it, it gets in my way of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness :P) to think of, and they might go rob somebody with a knife instead.

Also, if you stop me from going to buy a gun today, you prevent future sales, but do not account for the ones that are already out there... a hundred million firearms? more? So now criminals are allowed to illegally own something that I am not allowed to? (i realize the fact laws sometimes restrict whether you may own something... a hammer? a nail gun?) I'm a criminal for having it, locked away in my safe? Somebody in new york loses their right because somebody in nevada might be a lunatic who lives near a gun store?

my approach is to, i don't know, maybe stop them from wanting to kill everybody, as opposed to making them think of an efficient way to do it without a gun... no?

Edited By: braden on Jun 2nd 2010, 21:09:31

Detmer Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 21:23:38

Anything can be used as a weapon, but a gun is unique in how difficult it is to defend against. How to collect existing guns would be a unique challenge, but really stopping sales and letting guns peter out over time would be more effective than continuing with the status quo. At least criminals would need to begin to use arms dealers rather than your local gun store. Its a lot easier to stop crime when you are dealing with a few points of control rather than a distributed network of legal operations.

Making punishment stop people from using guns would be great, but the death penalty has even been shown to be ineffective in deterring crime. People get in their heads that they have nothing to lose and that crime does pay.

braden Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 21:34:07

criminals don't walk into Joe Guns n Ammo and buy their glocks or what not. If they did, the criminals not legally buying guns would h ave solved this problem.

And removing legal guns would do nothing but give them even more of an upper hand... they are iwlling to fire it in public, not in the woods or at the range where you or i might.

the criminals in the gangs, and the psychopaths and the lunatics and the otherwise innocent person caught up in the heat of the moment... in an ideal world, without guns, none of them would do anything. But this world isn't perfect... the criminals are going to do what they want, regardless of what you and i might do.

so in seventy, maybe eighty years, a hundred years, we're at waht, 85 million guns? Better than before, but realistically, how much safer are we? edit here-- how many of them were legally owned and given up, while the illegally owned ones are still on the street commiting crimes? a criminal gets caught, and one gun goes... great... he's in jail for a year, and back on the streets. I say, gun crime, rob a liqour store, you're in jail for thirty years. You kill somebody, dead within a month. People will learn.

How about cars, they kill people everyday, destroy the world killing people who aren't even born yet... and they're much easier to notice...

Edited By: braden on Jun 2nd 2010, 21:36:15

hoop Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 21:47:42

Originally posted by braden:
americans are hillbillies, racists and were hellbent on invading just about any middle eastern country they could, iraq just pulled the short straw.
(would it be too easy to make a camel reference?)

the second amendment is a murderer, or at the very least an accomplice or co conspirator.

By that logic national healthcare is armed robbery...

braden Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 21:56:06

meh, socialist taxes are.

Dragonlance Game profile


Jun 4th 2010, 2:29:02

guns are designed as weapons.

hoop Game profile


Jun 10th 2010, 2:11:08

By that logic so are fishing pools...

Dragonlance Game profile


Jun 10th 2010, 4:59:03

what is a "fishing pool"

do you mean fishing pole?:p



Jun 10th 2010, 7:19:41

leave him alone, he's foreign

Dragonlance Game profile


Jun 10th 2010, 7:57:27

actually i think i'm the one that is lost here....

i'm just gonna back out slowly....