
Detmer Game profile


Jun 4th 2010, 2:00:02

Should the call be overturned and become a perfect game?

I think so.

I like the historic, human nature of baseball, but that was unanimously a mistake, and not just like a missed ball vs strike call in the third inning - it was the last out of the game - THE defining play. I was opposed to introducing replay to determine fair/foul calls, but for something like this there needs to be an official manager challenge or something, like in the NFL. Maybe the manager only gets one a week, but there has to be a method to overturn this madness. Bud Selig is making a huge mistake by choosing for the call to stand. I don't think this opens up the flood gates to revising history. This is a clear case of RIGHT NOW, not 1919 or anything else. In 1983 the commissioner over ruled the call of an umpire so it is in no way unprecedented.


Klown Game profile


Jun 4th 2010, 17:09:48

I think it should be, because overturning it would fend off calls for more instant replay. More instant replay would be the worst thing that could happen to baseball. Now the instant replay lunatics have a rallying cry.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 4th 2010, 17:56:34

Klown, very valid point. If something like this is fixed without instant replay, then instant replay is not necessary.

ICe Man


Jun 10th 2010, 1:12:41

It was called on the field, let it stand. However, it was a perfect game.
Thank God, for I'm a blessed man.

braden Game profile


Jun 10th 2010, 2:06:59

after a hundred and eighty years of baseball, you don't think the lunatics have had their rallying cry for overturning umpires?

we just now have the technology to go back and look and see for sure. are we playing a game, or figuring out scientific fact?

anybody who understands baseball knows what he did, and appreciates it despite any umps decision, or whether he's the twenty first name on a list. in fifty years as many people might not know who he is, but what does that mean? lets change baseball? really?

although, you have to admit, the incredible pitching performances seem to be wayy up as of late? how about that straussberg kid or whatever his name is. that movement on his pitches, holy cow, i was caught looking watching the highlights, let alone actually at bat. kid has talent.

(i'm sure i'm wrong, somewhere, don't spend too much time stressing the point :P)