
Tigress Game profile


Aug 16th 2012, 7:01:49

WASHINGTON -- A Republican member of the Tennessee state legislature emailed constituents Tuesday morning with a rumor circulating in conservative circles that President Barack Obama is planning to stage a fake assassination attempt in an effort to stop the 2012 election from happening.

Rep. Kelly Keisling (R-Byrdstown) sent an email from his state email account to constituents containing a rumor that Obama and the Department of Homeland Security are planning a series of events that could lead to the imposition of "martial law" and delay the election. Among the events hypothesized in the email is a staged assassination attempt on the president that would lead to civil unrest in urban areas and martial law.

more here:
Happy Hunting


KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 16th 2012, 8:19:35


I see at least 1 of those every election year...
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Tigress Game profile


Aug 16th 2012, 23:14:24

:D -- I actually had a dream about being rounded and questioned by the secret service, for a planned assassination. Spooky stuff, it completely jacked up my whole week.


The Truth About Hair and Why Indians Would Keep Their Hair Long:


This information about hair has been hidden from the public since the Viet Nam War .

Our culture leads people to believe that hair style is a matter of personal preference, that hair style is a matter of fashion and/or convenience, and that how people wear their hair is simply a cosmetic issue. Back in the Vietnam war however, an entirely different picture emerged, one that has been carefully covered up and hidden from public view.

In the early nineties, Sally [name changed to protect privacy] was married to a licensed psychologist who worked at a VA Medical hospital. He worked with combat veterans with PTSD, post traumatic stress disorder. Most of them had served in Vietnam.

Sally said, "I remember clearly an evening when my husband came back to our apartment on Doctor's Circle carrying a thick official looking folder in his hands. Inside were hundreds of pages of certain studies commissioned by the government. He was in shock from the contents. What he read in those documents completely changed his life. From that moment on my conservative middle of the road husband grew his hair and beard and never cut them again. What is more, the VA Medical center let him do it, and other very conservative men in the staff followed his example.

As I read the documents, I learned why. It seems that during the Vietnam War special forces in the war department had sent undercover experts to comb American Indian Reservations looking for talented scouts, for tough young men trained to move stealthily through rough terrain. They were especially looking for men with outstanding, almost supernatural, tracking abilities. Before being approached, these carefully selected men were extensively documented as experts in tracking and survival.

read more about this here:
Happy Hunting


KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 17th 2012, 4:15:57

I like long hair girls, especially rich black hair, SEXY!!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

supernat Game profile

New Member

Aug 17th 2012, 10:45:40


Tigress Game profile


Aug 18th 2012, 0:48:48

Originally posted by supernat:

hi :)


@koh longhair yes / black hair no / more of a wavy brown with red highlights :)



Still most of us would quite reasonably find these things hard to believe. Even more hard to believe is the fact that some people believe that these disguised aliens are amongst us in greater numbers than we ever thought - infiltrating our positions of power. This is not a new theory, in fact in the 1970's colourful characters such as "Valiant Thor" an alien who worked inside the Pentagon were reported in the books like "Stranger at the Pentagon" by Dr Frank Stranges.

One instance of this perhaps happening in the U.K. of which I have heard, came from a friend of mine here in Edinburgh. Although I cannot give his name for personal security reasons I am convinced by what he has seen and shown me that he was a former, very highly placed, British Secret Service agent. One of his duties involved a detachment under Margaret Thatcher. She amongst many other things used to shout at him to get various telex messages done. He was also present with Mrs Thatcher and remembers seeing her going "bonkers" just after being informed of the sinking of the Belgrano.

I asked this friend, what would you say was the heaviest state secret he had to keep? Strangely he replied that "The heaviest state secret I had to know was that the Duke of Edinburgh is not a human being. He's an extra-terrestrial agent of the Markab confederacy of planets. Margaret Thatcher also knew that two members of the House of Commons were also not human beings." Quite a strange story, but coming from somebody so highly placed?

American Ufologist and former S.H.A.P.E. (Supreme Headquarters of Allied Powers in Europe) officer Robert Dean was partial to the secrets of aliens through his contact with a Top Secret assessment document of the whole UFO situation called "The Assessment". Dean also tells of the incredible government paranoia regarding non humans being present in sensitive positions and being undetectable.

So there seems to be a serious question of infiltration of human society at high and low levels, by so far three types of alien from the reports, but perhaps there are more?

read more about this here:
Happy Hunting


Nuketon Game profile


Aug 18th 2012, 19:34:21

Interesting about the hair thing...

Tigress Game profile


Aug 18th 2012, 22:20:18

Originally posted by Nuketon:
Interesting about the hair thing...

There is a lot of interesting and intriguing stuff out on the web :)


Man and Dinosaur Co-existence

"In the end of November and beginning of December last, many of the country people observed dragons (probably Pterosaurs) appearing in the north and flying rapidly towards the east; from which they concluded, and their conjectures were right, that...boisterous weather would follow" ....1793 European Newspaper comment on the Weather"..

What Recorded History Tells Us About Dino's and Man

"So God created the Great Dragons"
...Genesis 1:21 The Latin Vulgate; 5th Century

Everyone agrees that stories of world wide floods similar to the Biblical Flood of Noah exist in virtually every culture. The same can be said for stories, descriptions, legends etc. concerning dragons. Evolutionists have no trouble with either of these stories, because they feel that there is a good rationalization for them.(Image: More about the Palestrina Mosaic on Page 2 of this section and the Anasazi petro-glyph on Page 3)

On the other hand, those of us who do believe the Bible, and thus would expect that man and dinosaur (or dragon) co-existed in the past, would expect; and find it strange if stories concerning the flood and dinosaurs did not abound in most cultures of the past. If dinosaur and man co-existed, where there was writing, art, literature and artifacts, among them should be indications of this interaction. Dinosaurs (or dragons) would not have been very discreet neighbors.

As it turns out, there is plenty of such evidence of interaction between man and dinosaur in history, art and archeology, as believers would expect.

As late as the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, many serious scholars were studying animal life, recording what they saw, and claiming personally to have seen dragons (dinosaurs).

Johann Johnston (1693-75), a doctor of medicine, published the celebrated: De Serpentibus et Draconibus in 1653. It featured many animals which are now extinct, all - according to the author,`carefully drawn from living models.

This in and of itself does not prove anything, however, their absence would be difficult to explain.

How many artifacts are needed to prove that man and dinosaur co-existed? It would seem to present a major difficulty for evolutionists to explain the representation in art or literature--or in artifacts of recognizable species of dinosaurs--- by ancient men who supposedly had never seen one alive.

One could surmise that perhaps they had merely come across fossils, but surely, they would not have had the necessary skills to assemble them, and then to draw them or describe them as in life?

Modern scientists have themselves occasionally placed the wrong heads on skeletons or combined the bones of more than one specimen. This presents a problem if you believe in uniform-ism and evolution.

There is way too much "evidence" to place on one page, so deciding what proofs to represent is difficult. Textual evidence, like stories, accounts, newspaper articles and the like are plentiful, but perhaps not as persuasive as are physical evidences such as physical artifacts or pictures. There is an abundance of each, some very interesting ones on this page and the pages following.

read more about this here:
Happy Hunting


Tigress Game profile


Aug 21st 2012, 5:12:24

The Shadow Superpower

With only a mobile phone and a promise of money from his uncle, David Obi did something the Nigerian government has been trying to do for decades: He figured out how to bring electricity to the masses in Africa's most populous country.

It wasn't a matter of technology. David is not an inventor or an engineer, and his insights into his country's electrical problems had nothing to do with fancy photovoltaics or turbines to harness the harmattan or any other alternative sources of energy. Instead, 7,000 miles from home, using a language he could hardly speak, he did what traders have always done: made a deal. He contracted with a Chinese firm near Guangzhou to produce small diesel-powered generators under his uncle's brand name, Aakoo, and shipped them home to Nigeria, where power is often scarce. David's deal, struck four years ago, was not massive -- but it made a solid profit and put him on a strong footing for success as a transnational merchant. Like almost all the transactions between Nigerian traders and Chinese manufacturers, it was also sub rosa: under the radar, outside of the view or control of government, part of the unheralded alternative economic universe of System D.

You probably have never heard of System D. Neither had I until I started visiting street markets and unlicensed bazaars around the globe.

System D is a slang phrase pirated from French-speaking Africa and the Caribbean. The French have a word that they often use to describe particularly effective and motivated people. They call them débrouillards. To say a man is a débrouillard is to tell people how resourceful and ingenious he is. The former French colonies have sculpted this word to their own social and economic reality. They say that inventive, self-starting, entrepreneurial merchants who are doing business on their own, without registering or being regulated by the bureaucracy and, for the most part, without paying taxes, are part of "l'economie de la débrouillardise." Or, sweetened for street use, "Systeme D." This essentially translates as the ingenuity economy, the economy of improvisation and self-reliance, the do-it-yourself, or DIY, economy. A number of well-known chefs have also appropriated the term to describe the skill and sheer joy necessary to improvise a gourmet meal using only the mismatched ingredients that happen to be at hand in a kitchen.

read more about this here:
Happy Hunting


trumper Game profile


Aug 21st 2012, 17:14:19

Originally posted by Tigress:
Originally posted by supernat:

hi :)


@koh longhair yes / black hair no / more of a wavy brown with red highlights :)



Still most of us would quite reasonably find these things hard to believe. Even more hard to believe is the fact that some people believe that these disguised aliens are amongst us in greater numbers than we ever thought - infiltrating our positions of power. This is not a new theory, in fact in the 1970's colourful characters such as "Valiant Thor" an alien who worked inside the Pentagon were reported in the books like "Stranger at the Pentagon" by Dr Frank Stranges.

One instance of this perhaps happening in the U.K. of which I have heard, came from a friend of mine here in Edinburgh. Although I cannot give his name for personal security reasons I am convinced by what he has seen and shown me that he was a former, very highly placed, British Secret Service agent. One of his duties involved a detachment under Margaret Thatcher. She amongst many other things used to shout at him to get various telex messages done. He was also present with Mrs Thatcher and remembers seeing her going "bonkers" just after being informed of the sinking of the Belgrano.

I asked this friend, what would you say was the heaviest state secret he had to keep? Strangely he replied that "The heaviest state secret I had to know was that the Duke of Edinburgh is not a human being. He's an extra-terrestrial agent of the Markab confederacy of planets. Margaret Thatcher also knew that two members of the House of Commons were also not human beings." Quite a strange story, but coming from somebody so highly placed?

American Ufologist and former S.H.A.P.E. (Supreme Headquarters of Allied Powers in Europe) officer Robert Dean was partial to the secrets of aliens through his contact with a Top Secret assessment document of the whole UFO situation called "The Assessment". Dean also tells of the incredible government paranoia regarding non humans being present in sensitive positions and being undetectable.

So there seems to be a serious question of infiltration of human society at high and low levels, by so far three types of alien from the reports, but perhaps there are more?

read more about this here:

I can prove this.

Tom Cruise=Scientologist=Maverick in Top Gun.

Top Gun is the Navy's school for fighter pilots.

The producer of Top Gun commited suicide coincidentally shortly after you posted this.

Scientology founder Hubbard talks about the Markab conspiracy frequently.

This all dates back to Roswell, where we won the war.

And then Tom Cruise killed the alien Soviet fighters--the movie was just a prop, it was actually real.

You bringing this back up spurned a suicide by Top Gun's producer.

You should apologize now.

Tigress Game profile


Aug 22nd 2012, 5:13:24

Will not apologize for pointing out a few interesting and random conspiracies ... besides if what you say is true, they would have been better off just ignoring it then setting off fireworks and making a spectacle of themselves :p

If for some reason I am somehow responsible then --- Tomorrow's headline should read ... The Church Implicated In ...

In which case I may have to reconsider the power of this thread and start targeting enemies :)



The origins of the Garduna begin in a legend not dissimilar from that of El Cid (c. 1043–1099), the heroic knight who defended northern Spain from the invading Moors in the eleventh century, and the secret society continues to this day in a criminal organization akin to the Mafia. According to tradition, around 710 a holy man named Apollinario, who lived a hermitlike existence in the hills above Cordova, had a vision in which the Blessed Virgin Mary appointed him to be the savior of Spain and drive the Moors out of the land. At first the holy man was staggered by the very suggestion, regardless of the source from whence it had come. What remained of Gothic Spain had fallen into decay, deteriorating into a patchwork of petty princedoms, woefully ineffectual against the powerful Moors who had conquered most of the land and established their royal seat in Cordova. But when the apparition of Mary presented him with a button that she said had been taken from the robe of Christ, Apollinario knew that he had been given the power to raise a band of holy warriors. He followed her orders to gather an army from the simple countryfolk of Spain, even from the bandits who lived in the mountains, and to avoid the corrupt nobles and landed aristocracy.

The hermit from the hills above Cordova was blessed with a charisma that caused the common people to flock to his leadership. He told them that those who followed him in the Garduna, his sacred army, would be licensed by God and the Holy Virgin to destroy the invading heathens by any means. There would be open warfare, of course, but they would also be free to plot murders and practice any kind of secret treachery. Those who joined the Garduna would be absolved of all wrongdoing as long as their violence was committed only against non-Christians. Thousands joined the holy man in his crusade against the Moors, and his army of peasants, beggars, and bandits fought so fiercely under the standard of the Holy Virgin of Cordova that no Moorish force could repel them.

While the Garduna may have harassed the powerful Muslim armies and conducted a guerilla-type warfare against them, they by no means drove the invaders from Spain as legend told it. After about 714, the Gothic monarchy of Spain had been replaced by the institutions of the conquering Arabs, and a short time after Spain had fallen to the Moors, it became the most prosperous and civilized country in the West. Within a few more years, the Arabs had extended their European empire north of the Pyrenees Mountains to the south of France and from the mouth of the Garonne to that of the Rhone. In 732, Charles Martel of France stemmed the Muslim tide of conquest at the Battle of Tours, and the Arabs retreated back to Spain where they retained a peaceful possession of the country for many centuries. Cordova became a highly respected seat of art and learning, and the Arab philosophers became the sages of the West.

read more about this here:
Happy Hunting


braden Game profile


Aug 22nd 2012, 9:12:57

Tigress shot jfk, but was aiming for jackie. and then later settled on rfk, figured half way there may as well go for both.

true story, not even conspiracy.

Tigress Game profile


Aug 23rd 2012, 5:07:40

Originally posted by braden:
Tigress shot jfk, but was aiming for jackie. and then later settled on rfk, figured half way there may as well go for both.

true story, not even conspiracy.

We sincerely apologize for the snafu above

however you need to contact braden immediately so he can pencil you in for a wonderful dinner and fun filled day of deep sea fishing on our yacht. Included in our exclusive package you will get the rare opportunity to feel the exhilaration of feeding sharks.

we will also need the list of all those you may have shared this information with. This is so we can also invite them on this once in a lifetime cruise to study sharks feeding in their natural habitat.

we are looking forward to having all of our friends together on this fun filled trip to the Farallon Islands :)


POST WWII - Secrets (The Birth of Gladio)
Portella della Ginestra 1947

Edited By: Tigress on Aug 23rd 2012, 6:16:18
See Original Post
Happy Hunting


Twain Game profile


Aug 23rd 2012, 21:32:29

the original one is fantastic. I love the idea of Pres. Obama trying to prevent an election that polls would indicate he's likely to win anyway.

Tigress Game profile


Aug 24th 2012, 7:05:23

It would take quite a lot to get elections suspended, much much more than then what is proposed in that article. The US is actually much more prepared then they give the gov credit for in these types of conspiracy theories.

A massive natural disaster would be about the only thing that could force the gov to shut down certain services, or come close to declaring martial law.


Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) is one of the most famous Presidents of the United States. Volumes are devoted to his life and death. However, historians have yet to unravel the mysteries surrounding his assassination. Here are the known facts:

Abraham Lincoln and his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln attended the play, Our American Cousin at Ford's Theatre on April 14, 1865. They were to be accompanied by General Ulysses S. Grant and his wife Julia Dent Grant. However, Grant and his wife changed their plans and did not attend the play. The Lincoln's attended the play with Clara Harris and Henry Rathbone.
During the play, actor John Wilkes Booth entered Lincoln's State Box undetected and shot him in the back of the head. He also stabbed Henry Rathbone in the arm.
After shooting the President, Booth jumped out of the box onto the stage, broke his left leg and yelled something that some eyewitnesses reported as, "Sic Semper Tyrannus" (As always to tyrants).
Co-conspirator Lewis Powell (or Paine/Payne) attempted to assassinate Secretary of State William Seward, but only managed to injure him. David Herold accompanied Powell. However, Herold fled before the deed was finished. At the same time, George Atzerodt was supposed to have killed Vice-President Andrew Johnson. Atzerodt did not go through with the assassination.
Happy Hunting


Tigress Game profile


Aug 25th 2012, 5:00:09

The Bell Island Boom

Today we're going to go back in time about a third of a century to 1978, when something strange happened on remote Bell Island in Newfoundland. It was a quiet community, some fishermen and scattered families on small farms and in a smattering of hamlets. It was the last place on Earth you'd expect to be rocked by a sudden, shattering explosion. But it wasn't just an explosion. On what should have been a sleepy Sunday morning, electrical appliances on the island burst apart. Animals fell over dead. Buildings were rent asunder. Though the explosion was the loudest anyone there had ever heard, it seemed to have no precise epicenter. To this day, the cause remains unknown, but hypotheses and conspiracy theories abound. The Bell Island Boom has become, to some people, proof of government tests of secret superweapons.

Newfoundland is a large island off the east coast of Canada, and within Conception Bay at its eastern end is Bell Island. It's a pretty small island, only about 9 kilometers long and 3 kilometers wide. The significant part of its history began in the 1890's when rich iron deposits were discovered and mining began. Tiny Bell Island actually became one of the world's major producers of iron ore, and even saw action in World War II when it was attacked by a German submarine. The mine prospered until the 1960's when pressure from cheaper competition finally forced a closure. Bell Island is low lying with its highest point only a hair above 100 meters, so its deep mines were almost entirely below sea level, requiring constant pumping to keep the water out. So while it was productive, it was always expensive and dangerous. Since the mines closed, they have been filled with water. The island is now laced with tunnels and entrances and passages that lead to underground lakes marking the top of the water table. It's now a site of interest to cave diving adventurers.

With its mine closed and its small economy in shambles, the communities on Bell Island had been largely emptied out for more than a decade when the Bell Island Boom struck on Sunday, April 2, 1978. Without warning, a sudden BANG rocked the island, like a giant electric shock. By some reports, it was heard as far as 100 kilometers away. There was extensive damage to electrical wiring. One property, that of the Bickford family, reported physical damage to their buildings. There were holes in the roof; their television set and fuse boxes actually exploded; and the roof of their chicken coop was destroyed and five chickens inside were killed. Near the shed were two or three holes in the snow which looked like some buried explosives had gone off. Digging in these holes found nothing of interest.

And then the strangest of the stories began trickling in. The Bickford's young grandson reported a hovering ball of light after the blast. One woman on Newfoundland reported a beam of light slanting up into the sky from Bell Island. And several people on the island said they heard a ringing, like a tone, just before the boom struck.

read more about this here:
Happy Hunting


Tigress Game profile


Aug 29th 2012, 18:13:42

Britain's Atlantis' found at bottom of North sea - a huge undersea world swallowed by the sea in 6500BC

• Divers have found traces of ancient land swallowed by waves 8500 years ago

• Doggerland once stretched from Scotland to Denmark

• Rivers seen underwater by seismic scans

• Britain was not an island - and area under North Sea was roamed by mammoths and other giant animals

• Described as the 'real heartland' of Europe

• Had population of tens of thousands - but devastated by sea level rises

'Britain's Atlantis' - a hidden underwater world swallowed by the North Sea - has been discovered by divers working with science teams from the University of St Andrews.
Doggerland, a huge area of dry land that stretched from Scotland to Denmark was slowly submerged by water between 18,000 BC and 5,500 BC.

Divers from oil companies have found remains of a 'drowned world' with a population of tens of thousands - which might once have been the 'real heartland' of Europe.
A team of climatologists, archaeologists and geophysicists has now mapped the area using new data from oil companies - and revealed the full extent of a 'lost land' once roamed by mammoths.

read more here:
Happy Hunting


Tigress Game profile


Aug 30th 2012, 20:51:03

Giant Crystal Pyramid Discovered In Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle: mysterious, unworldly, sometimes deadly. For decades intrepid researchers delved into the maze of mysteries hidden deep within this most enigmatic place on Earth.

Some speculate the bizarre time anomalies, disappearances and weird phenomena can be explained by natural occurences. Others are insistent that relics of an advanced, unknown culture left behind fantastic technology…great energy machines that literally warp spacetime and open portals to other realities.

Now American and French explorers have made a monumental discovery: a partially translucent, crystal-like pyramid rising from the Caribbean seabed— its origin, age and purpose completely unknown.

A gigantic structure, perhaps larger than the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt, and initially identified by a doctor in the 1960s, has been independently verified by diving teams from France and the U.S.

The discovery has rocked scientists around the world. Will they rush to investigate it? No, they're more likely to studiously ignore it. If pressed, they'll officially position themselves as highly skeptical—especially in light of the potential ramifications.

The pyramid could confirm some engineers' contentions that pyramids were originally created as massive power sources, support the claim that the ancient city-state of Atlantis did exist, or even provide answers to the mysterious goings-on that have been recorded since the 19th Century in the region of the Atlantic dubbed the Bermuda Triangle.

read more here:
Happy Hunting


legion Game profile


Sep 3rd 2012, 23:13:59

Keep it up, some interesting reads whether you are looking for new theories or laughs.
Nobody puts baby in a corner

Tigress Game profile


Sep 6th 2012, 5:27:55

An Orion Correlation in Arizona: Overview

by Gary A. David

To watch Orion ascend from the eastern horizon and assume its dominant winter position at the meridian is a wondrous spectacle. Even more so, it is a startling epiphany to see this constellation rise out of the red dust of the high desert as a stellar configuration of Anasazi cities built from the mid-eleventh to the end of the thirteenth century. In fact, Orion provided the template by which the Anasazi (ancestral Pueblo people) determined the locations of their villages during a migration period that lasted centuries. Spiritually mandated by a god the Hopi call Masau'u, this "terrestrial Orion" closely mirrors its celestial counterpart, with prehistoric "cities" corresponding to every major star in the constellation. The sky looks downward to find its image made manifest in the earth; the earth gazes upward, reflecting upon the unification of terrestrial and celestial.

Extending from the giant hand of Arizona’s Black Mesa that juts down from the northeast, three great fingers of rock beckon. They are the three Hopi Mesas, isolated upon this desolate but starkly beautiful landscape to which the Ancient Ones so long ago were led. Directing our attention to this "Center of the World," we clearly see the close correlation to Orion’s Belt. Mintaka, a double star and the first of the trinity to peek over the eastern horizon as the constellation rises, corresponds to Oraibi and Hotevilla on Third (West) Mesa. The former village is considered the oldest continuously inhabited community on the continent, founded in the early twelfth century. About seven miles to the east, located at the base of Second (Middle) Mesa, Old Shungopovi (initially known as Masipa, a cognate of the deity Masau’u) was reputedly the first to be established after the Bear Clan migrated into the region circa A.D. 1100. Its celestial correlative is Alnilam, the middle star of the Belt. About seven miles farther east on First (East) Mesa, the adjacent villages of Walpi, Sichomovi, and Hano (Tewa) --the first of which was established prior A.D. 1300-- correspond to the triple star Alnitak, rising last of the three stars of the Belt.

read more here:
Happy Hunting


braden Game profile


Sep 6th 2012, 22:03:21

Conspiracy of the day:

obama was born in america.

what.. too soon?

Tigress Game profile


Sep 7th 2012, 3:32:13

Originally posted by braden:
Conspiracy of the day:

obama was born in america.

what.. too soon?

In a CIA factory creating genetically engineered Manchurian candidates... they had to replace Obama 3 time in the last 4 years due to small defects :) ... you heard it here first ;p
Happy Hunting


Oceana Game profile


Sep 9th 2012, 11:09:14

and they didn't try to fix the big defects?

Tigress Game profile


Sep 9th 2012, 20:21:23

The CIA learned a long time ago it was less expensive to replace then to try and fix :)
Happy Hunting


Tigress Game profile


Sep 9th 2012, 20:33:08

ANCIENT ALIENS: The Mystery of Puma Punku | S04E06

his episode investigates Bolivia's 14,000 year-old Puma Punku ruins where an ancient civilization constructed sophisticated and intricately carved blocks that inter-lock together, and suggests the site was not built and inhabited by humans, but by advanced extraterrestrials.

At nearly 14,000 years old, the ruins of Puma Punku are the oldest and most baffling on the face of the Earth. No one knows who designed and built this complex of sophisticated inter-locking blocks, and then vanished. Researchers investigate the ruins on-location in Peru and present new computer analyses. Forensic evidence on the ground, together with local myths and legends, suggest this site may have been designed and even once inhabited by a species of extraterrestrials.

I love this guys hair :)
Happy Hunting


Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Sep 9th 2012, 22:33:35

hmmm, no mention of the EE admin conspiracy to keep me around and available by keeping my game account open. coulda sworn that i updated the wiki to focus attention on it. must be a coverup going on.
There are no messages in your Inbox.
Elvis has left the building.

Tigress Game profile


Sep 10th 2012, 0:14:44

Originally posted by Dibs Ludicrous:
hmmm, no mention of the EE admin conspiracy to keep me around and available by keeping my game account open. coulda sworn that i updated the wiki to focus attention on it. must be a coverup going on.

they must have other plans for you ;p ...the mystery deepens, as Dibs Ludicrous gets more and more nervous about the EE Admins, and their deafening silence regarding the coverup conspiracy. If shining a bright light on the conspiracy does not work then what will, stay tuned for more on the EE adventures of Dibs Ludicrous.
Happy Hunting


trumper Game profile


Sep 10th 2012, 1:04:19

False or truth?

legion Game profile


Sep 10th 2012, 2:35:11

DL isnt real
Nobody puts baby in a corner

Mandy Game profile


Sep 10th 2012, 12:56:50

Really... Do Do Do Do

ericownsyou5 Game profile


Sep 12th 2012, 0:28:36