Also I asked for Thoughts ... That would mean your disqualified Heston.
Again probably thinking that I am that special somebody in your life that gets under your skin like an ingrown toenail,
While I am not this person, I cant wait to meet them to Rag on you together... >:)
If you paypal a youtube personality named Seth Aronson $50 and tell him to buy some weed with that money and do a couple youtube video about earthempires.... I will play one set with you on all servers.
He is a mentally ill homeless thing from san diego that wears a dress.
I would have asked you to make a video but i figured a spice smoking bum in a dress has more subs. Plus the bum would comfirm you shelled out a few bucks and he surely would feel like he won the lotto
I did not click your youtube video. You like posting all kinds of fluffing offers so i made the best of this piece of fluff thread. That would be obvious though, with all the fluffing context you included.
Well limit your recruiting to the specific server that you intend to play. Then dont post a msg about it in every fluffin thread. Maybe check out the recruiting options ingame so you target individual countries in that game. Then the mods can do fluff that doesn't require their attention. So no need to crucify yourself over it ffs.