


Jul 3rd 2012, 17:55:52

Are you an untagged player that is tired of all these clans enforcing what they "think" is right? Are you tired of your peaceful nation being attacked? They talk about norms and rules in a society they claim to have created...well lets put down some truth. In the real world, if a person was a coward in something like a prison, he would be eaten for breakfast lunch and dinner. If that same coward ran a country in the real world and went around attacking a neutral country such as Sweden just because it gets his rocks off, his country would quickly be attacked. In the real world cowardly acts are frowned upon. In this world cowards are celebrated and protected. In the real world soldiers feel honor in protecting peace and those that support peace. In this game those brothers in arms that fight for their right of peace are attacked and taken advantage of. The norms here are backwards because its ran by ignorant backward thinking fools.

It's no reason why the game is still the same way... the people that run the game also play so they push their propaganda. They could easily install a function that acts just like switching your government type, only this function gives you the option of being a warring nation or a peaceful nation. They could have it so that all peaceful nations are the only ones allowed to attack their own string... Sort of like GDI only better. This would appeal to all types of players....not just players like them but they don't want to make it appealing for other people to play because again, they push their own propaganda.

It's about time we untags form an alliance with one another. Heck even if you are tagged as a one man clan but wish to run your country as a peaceful country, you are welcome to join us under the banner of peace and make a statement until things change around here and people become tolerant of those who wish to be peaceful. We now have experienced war leaders ready to fight side by side who are also willing to instruct those who wish to engage in an orchestrated attack. We already have several members that have had it with all those nerds that magically become tough guys once they become anonymous on the internet. We have strike plans for next set and our targets mapped. We have strategy on our side. These big clans think making a name for themselves makes them strong but we can take that strength and use it as their weakness. They have painted targets on all their heads and we will constantly have surprise on our side. They will never know who we are or when we will strike. We will ruin their clans set after set after set until it becomes impossible for them to recruit and their own members want to disband.

All clans do not have to worry about our attacks. If you are peaceful then we wish you no harm. But those clans that war for no reason and those clans that harbor cowards and protect them are the ones we are after.

As Sun Tzu has said
"If we always knew the enemy's intentions beforehand, we should always, even with inferior forces, be superior to him. "

We are bringing a whole new strategy to this game fellas.

cRaZyDaVe Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 18:53:09


you realize you're just making it worse for the untagged...right?
Originally posted by Twain:
I love the idea of sending even 100 troops into an area so they can go assassinate citizens one at a time.

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 3rd 2012, 18:55:46

you also realise other untagged suiciders said they only hit netters even if they arnt agressive because the war tags like killing

and thos guys already started their own groups and recruiting to grief people



Jul 3rd 2012, 19:02:55

Well that's not my battle. If those idiots wish to hit peaceful netters than they should be destroyed. Not a single member we have recruited wants to hit netters nor will we. Sorry we are only a handful of untags but we cannot speak for them all. If I could I would say leave all peaceful nations alone, only hit the cowards and the warring clans. But again, we are just a fraction of them, so I am sure they will not pay me any mind.

Rip It Up Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 23:56:24

Originally posted by WaWa:

It's no reason why the game is still the same way... the people that run the game also play so they push their propaganda. They could easily install a function that acts just like switching your government type, only this function gives you the option of being a warring nation or a peaceful nation. They could have it so that all peaceful nations are the only ones allowed to attack their own string... Sort of like GDI only better. This would appeal to all types of players....not just players like them but they don't want to make it appealing for other people to play because again, they push their own propaganda.

We already have several members that have had it with all those nerds that magically become tough guys once they become anonymous on the internet. We have strike plans for next set and our targets mapped. We have strategy on our side. These big clans think making a name for themselves makes them strong but we can take that strength and use it as their weakness. They have painted targets on all their heads and we will constantly have surprise on our side. They will never know who we are or when we will strike. We will ruin their clans set after set after set until it becomes impossible for them to recruit and their own members want to disband.

All clans do not have to worry about our attacks. If you are peaceful then we wish you no harm. But those clans that war for no reason and those clans that harbor cowards and protect them are the ones we are after.


Ok...firstly i can't believe i read that whole post, but it was amusing so i couldn't stop. lol.

Just a couple of small points here..

On the first note, that is a horrible idea and is open to all sorts of exploitation. Unless you are willing to introduce many other variables into your agument as to how this could work, then dont think this will be a good thing for the server. What happend if you mark yourself as a peaceful alliance and soemone attacks your FDP for example.. are you going to just sit there and watch them die cos you can't make any attacks on anyone other than your own string? lol. You might still be a netting clan but you still have defensive alliances othewise what is the point.

Secondly, (and i found this one to be absolutely hilarious)
"We already have several members that have had it with all those nerds that magically become tough guys once they become anonymous on the internet. "
Says someone who just stated himself right after that, that he and all his "freinds" are going to remain anonymous. lol.

I have a better Idea WaWa.
Why don't you really man up, and gather all these "experienced" war leaders together, tag up and you can fight all the war clans on this server to see how you fair.
Or are you yourself going to be a coward and hide untagged and kill a couple countries when you feel like it then self delete when you get your ass smashed?
This kind of post is not helping your cause. In fact its posts like these that have put you and your untags in this situation to begin with, and why many clans now are just going and killing untags to be rid of the threat before it even becomes one.

Man up,

Tag up.

Pain is weakness leaving the body.



Jul 4th 2012, 0:11:27

To your first point; Yes the big clans would not find this tool necessary.... hence why it would help only the small one man tags that only run 6-10 countries like me. That's the whole premise of my argument.. It is to help the little ones... you really don't understand??? Thought that one was pretty clear but no need for further explanation, we will just let that one fly right over.

To your second point; Well I see how that is pretty hilarious. But anonymity is our only weapon now. You have mad numbers against us. Gotta remain ninja-esque. Hidding in the forests of untagged players increases our chance of survival and limits detection... Now I can't say much more on that because yall might wise up.

To your third point; refer back to my response to your second point. You have numbers...we need to find ways around that...

Woman down,

Tag down,

cRaZyDaVe Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 0:14:36

So now we just kill all untags

congrats, you still lose
Originally posted by Twain:
I love the idea of sending even 100 troops into an area so they can go assassinate citizens one at a time.



Jul 4th 2012, 0:23:08

Yeah good luck Crazy, you don't have the resources to kill all of the untags. By the way, your blimp like ego is blocking my view of the empire state building...

I hope the rest of us are reading these forums...even if your a peaceful untag, XI is going to try and kill you. Lets stand up this set and the future sets to come!

gambit Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 0:28:58

nbk is available for policing duties next set...

we will only accept payments of cash, sexual favors, or drugs/alcohol
Natural Born Killer

Warster Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 0:28:58

And they can blame you and flo for it :)
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

gambit Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 0:31:14

warster is my untagged multi
Natural Born Killer

Warster Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 0:31:27

And not a single admin of this game plays FFA,
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

Warster Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 0:32:35

No I'm ur untagged bot gambit :)
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

gambit Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 0:42:36

do not reveal our true strength to the tagged infidels
Natural Born Killer

Warster Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 0:44:16

Sorry oppppsss
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

KyleCleric Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 0:45:45

bmb will be back soon. :P
This is our fluffing city. And no one is going to dictate our freedom. Stay strong.

Dark TwizTid


Jul 4th 2012, 0:49:18

Yep, I guess you can do another kill sweep of all untags and one man clans(minus the ones that made themselves noticable)



Jul 4th 2012, 0:52:15

Sorry gambit, didn't know you were one of us...But we need to finalize our plans. We have a clan that just jumped up in priority.

cRaZyDaVe Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 0:54:20

Originally posted by WaWa:
Yeah good luck Crazy, you don't have the resources to kill all of the untags. By the way, your blimp like ego is blocking my view of the empire state building...

I hope the rest of us are reading these forums...even if your a peaceful untag, XI is going to try and kill you. Lets stand up this set and the future sets to come!


when i said we, i meant all the clans collectively

anyways THANKS, now we dont have to worry if we will have fluff to kill or not

Originally posted by Twain:
I love the idea of sending even 100 troops into an area so they can go assassinate citizens one at a time.



Jul 4th 2012, 2:03:07

I know yall can't read but this forum is for untags... let me guess you want to try and take this away to? Haha how cute the big bad wolves are in fear of us organizing to give them a fight. And your welcome Insane Dave... lead your boys to a perpetual war after all that's what a good president would do. Oh wait, no it's not. Figure I would spell out the sarcasm for you seeing as how the complexity of a normal conversation escapes you.

Twain Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 2:07:01

Don't have the resources to kill all the untaggeds? Ha!

There are currently 617 untaggeds countries on the server. I don't have any type of numbers on this, but from the scroll bar, I'd estimate about 60-70% of those are under 1M NW. Throw in the fact that most untaggeds are solo players then we can assume the untaggeds as a group are not going to be organized.

When you put all this together, a top-tier war clan could probably kill all of the untaggeds on the server in 2 or 2 1/2 weeks with minimal loss.

The reason the untaggeds aren't dead isn't because the big clans don't have the resources. It's because we really don't care about the untaggeds.

Your very argument is counterproductive to the idea of an alliance server like Free For All. The reason we band together is either to have a more formidable war force or to have strength in numbers to better allow us to netgain in peace. If the untagged players are sick of being bullied, there's a much easier way than suiciding or joining some confederation of untagged countries, it's called JOINING AN ALLIANCE.

Lastly, to be honest, this server isn't even that bad for bullying. Most of the one-man tags do quite well. ESD has been a small netgaining clan for quite some time (although they keep getting bigger) and has never been warred because people generally respect them. highrock came over about a half dozen sets ago from 1a and played 16 solid countries, retalled well and was able to finish 1st in ANW.

If the bullying on this server were really so bad, then why are these things possible?

The fact of the matter is, you're probably just another piece of fluff suicider who has no interest in warring someone out in the open or netgaining peacefully. You just want to see if you can fluff with someone else's set. This whole bullying agenda is simply the cause you're trumpeting to try to get others to help you.

cRaZyDaVe Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 2:09:48

No one is in fear of you...just in awe of your ignorance

and all my "boys" as you put it want nothing other than to fight, isnt my "job" to give them what they desire?
Originally posted by Twain:
I love the idea of sending even 100 troops into an area so they can go assassinate citizens one at a time.

bstrong86 Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 2:25:28

The Death Knights


KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 4th 2012, 7:08:45

Originally posted by bstrong86:

LMFAO!!!!!!! brilliant, hmmm, i think im just gonna go kill untags now...
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

bastion63 Game profile


Jul 5th 2012, 19:02:28

Why do I just know WaWa lives in his mommas basement........



Jul 5th 2012, 22:00:44

You don't know that Bast. That would be an assumption not a fact, thus you don't actually know anything. Are you regretting your decision to drop out of school in the third grade yet? Seems like that decision kind of made ya stupid for life.



Jul 5th 2012, 22:01:47

And Bstrong that was pretty funny. Honestly how I picture all of you look when I kill your countries. By the way good job against us... looks like we hit ya pretty hard.

vern Game profile


Jul 5th 2012, 22:02:15

i dunno about bastion, but grade 3 was the best 3 yrs of my life

bstrong86 Game profile


Jul 5th 2012, 22:08:25're dumb...nuff said.
The Death Knights


bstrong86 Game profile


Jul 5th 2012, 22:14:47

oh this for you wawa..cause this is whati see all suiciders/untags doin on ffat

little music to go with it bro

jus fyi..wayyy to much time on my hands when it this hottt outside..
The Death Knights


SaintSinner Game profile


Jul 5th 2012, 22:17:39

so what your trying to do is start a new waring clan?

Tigress Game profile


Jul 5th 2012, 22:56:26


This is a NoTag Announcement

The Non Organized Terrorist Aggression Group is proud to announce WaWa as President. He will be here shortly to confirm.

We are a part of FEAR the Federated Earth Allied Resistance. Perhaps you have heard of us we are what you commonly call "THE UNTAGGED". A loosely knit group of players who proudly provide the front-line forces for those in need of liberation from the heavy hand of tagged alliances. Our parent organization SPOOF Superior Players Owning O.o Farmlands has for years provided the game with FEAR oriented NoTag players for the enjoyment of all.

SPOOF and FEAR look forward to the success of NoTAG under the capable leadership of WaWa.

You may now resume your scheduled broadcasting

SPOOF President Extraodinaire

Edited By: Tigress on Jul 5th 2012, 23:16:40
See Original Post
Happy Hunting




Jul 6th 2012, 19:03:34

I am dumb Bstrong? If I wanted my come-back I would wipe it off your face...

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 6th 2012, 20:54:03

Originally posted by WaWa:
And Bstrong that was pretty funny. Honestly how I picture all of you look when I kill your countries. By the way good job against us... looks like we hit ya pretty hard.

Really?????? Funny...I haven't even been touched by a random missile :/
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

bstrong86 Game profile


Jul 6th 2012, 20:56:06

Thats why he is dumb
The Death Knights


KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 6th 2012, 20:57:21

Comfirmed, WaWa is Dumb-Dumb.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!



Jul 7th 2012, 4:18:21

"Takes it out and shoots bstrong again"

As for you KoHeartsGPA, you lick whatever you want off of his face I am sure he won't mind your brown nose in his business.

Tigress I sent you a PM. Lets coordinate something even stronger.

Edited By: WaWa on Jul 7th 2012, 4:21:22
See Original Post



Jul 7th 2012, 4:30:21

Or I guess I should have said I shot fluff in your face bstrong? Pardon my lack of education in communicating with the feeble minds. I can't really get the gist of this elementary school yard's just been so long. I mean I can handle bad grammar but really, you go around fluffing and trolling things?? Weak man. Weak.

Let's all do our parts to at least keep the forums above a fourth grade education. Makes me feel like I am playing with a bunch of tator tots when we don't.

Edited By: WaWa on Jul 7th 2012, 4:32:55
See Original Post



Jul 7th 2012, 4:40:12

I think I got it.

KoHeartsGPA you lick whatever fluff you fluffing want off of bstrongs fluffing face. Then manybe you will grow the fluff up!

Is that more the level you wanted? And no saint sinner, I would just like to play the game. No intentions on ever being in a clan other than my own. I didn't want to war, I didn't want to be killed. Just wanted to have a little fun on my spare time and see how high of NW I could obtain. Apparently peaceful nations are frowned upon here. I tried to communicate with you all, I tried making several truces and I tried making myself visible so others could see that I had no intentions on hitting anyone. Hell I would have been completely cool with people spying on me. I might have asked why but I would have understood if someone told me they were looking for the suicides. Now that I am dead, I figure I will return the favor next set.... But you would have gotten that if you were able to read... so why I am posting this now Saint? No clue, because this will probably go right over your head like last time.

bstrong86 Game profile


Jul 7th 2012, 5:00:43

I troll lately because of this insane can but you cant shingle in this more harm then good to the roof.

Now on to the next one...make all the fagget jokes you want. They arent original in the least bit. I hear worse from my son when he thinks he remembers a joke his buddies tell him. With that being said, go away already. You bore me. Same lame bs that helltard spews, i imagine you are him or an accomplice of his.
The Death Knights


Rockman Game profile


Jul 7th 2012, 6:02:36

Originally posted by WaWa:
I think I got it.

KoHeartsGPA you lick whatever fluff you fluffing want off of bstrongs fluffing face. Then manybe you will grow the fluff up!

Is that more the level you wanted? And no saint sinner, I would just like to play the game. No intentions on ever being in a clan other than my own. I didn't want to war, I didn't want to be killed. Just wanted to have a little fun on my spare time and see how high of NW I could obtain. Apparently peaceful nations are frowned upon here. I tried to communicate with you all, I tried making several truces and I tried making myself visible so others could see that I had no intentions on hitting anyone. Hell I would have been completely cool with people spying on me. I might have asked why but I would have understood if someone told me they were looking for the suicides. Now that I am dead, I figure I will return the favor next set.... But you would have gotten that if you were able to read... so why I am posting this now Saint? No clue, because this will probably go right over your head like last time.

Peaceful nations are not frowned upon here. But when people stay untagged rather than tagging up, that is a sign that they are not a peaceful nation, but rather are a cowardly suicider hiding as untagged. If you want people to know you are peaceful, don't use the same tag (i.e. no tag) as the hundreds (and possibly thousands) of suiciders that have targeted alliances that have specifically banned the grabbing of untaggeds at all.

Your problem is you hide among suiciders, and then expect people to think you're peaceful. You have to be an idiot to think that hiding among untagged makes you appear peaceful.



Jul 7th 2012, 6:28:39

Bstrong you hear worse from your son? Maybe spend less time on here and more time with him...

Rockman it's like I am talking to a rock wall here. I was tagged, I did ask for peace and the clans I asked for peace from turned around and farmed me. When I retaliated against them they killed me. Hopefully you are caught up now. Seriously if you are tagged then what are you doing here? You really can't read or what?



Jul 7th 2012, 6:29:54

I mean I joke and poke fun because I like to kid around. If you truly can't then my deepest apologies. Must be a difficult game to play for you.

Tigress Game profile


Jul 7th 2012, 6:46:11

WaWa I replied to your PM, please read it carefully, and if you have any questions feel free to ask me.

Trust on this you will not win this, most of the players here responding to you have already been to hell and back.


and when they say bot wars it was 1000's of countries just attacking relentlessly. So, I'm pretty sure most of the players who are offering you peace actually mean it.

Play safe play smart

Happy Hunting


Maxipad09 Game profile


Jul 7th 2012, 6:47:59

Not to deflate your argument but by tagging up don't you become part of the system you are trying to "Fight" Just curious to how you see that working. Otherwise Good luck!
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
~ Edmund Burke



Jul 7th 2012, 7:02:27

I understand your argument and I know it's sort of ironic actually. I never wanted to fight the system at first. I tagged my 10 countries up and asked around for peace. It's when the cowards turned around and farmed me, got pissed that I retaliated then killed me. What, I should just lay down and take it? Sort of an initiation for this game? Everyone here thinks players come in and read Wiki entries on games..I am a gamer and never once have I ever, ever read any Wiki entry on any game ever. I am a gamer and realize what a true free for all means... sorry I didn't know that it could possibly be misconstrued by about .0000000000001% of the gaming population that thinks free for all means get together and bang on the nubs. Seriously anyone know of any other single game on this planet that has a "free for all" where it's not everybody against everybody? One where you are allowed to have a FREE FOR ALL match? If you don't believe me then just look at the MW definition for free for all. A clan "free for all" is self defeating of the whole entire concept of it being a free for all in the first place. I know I know, you were allowed to have as many countries as you wanted...blah blah. Should be entitled; TEAM- Unlimited Countries? or now that there is a limit; TEAM-16 countries? I never thought I would see the day where I had to explain what a free for all match is to people that are gamers. Insanity.

Although if I am being honest, its fascinating if you actually think about it. Many of the same problems of intolerance in the real world shows up in this fantasy world. Many of the same mistakes and still a whole bunch of warring over nothing. BS politics here, BS politics there, sprinkled with a little bit of lying on top of it all. I guess it just goes to show if the world had a mulligan, we would probably just botch it over and over and over again.

Anyway I wanted this to be a thread to talk to the untags because of how disorganized they are. Looks like they don't actually know where to find these threads. Hmmmm I wonder why that is. But Clans win again, have my thread. I'm out.

Edited By: WaWa on Jul 7th 2012, 7:26:17
See Original Post

Tigress Game profile


Jul 7th 2012, 7:15:46

Wawa, whether they play for a big clan or for you as their leader out to organize them it would boil down to the same thing... taking orders from someone who tells them what to do and when to do it. How to play their country and what they can or cannot do.

i.e. hit these guys but not these other guys, shadow wars are not fun for anyone.

Just because they would be "untagged" does not negate the fact that they just joined an alliance ;) They play untagged so they do not have to be a part of the politics or be dragged into wars they really do not want to fight. there are a few who play untagged for anonymity to get back at some clans they have a beef with. The latter will play a few resets that way and then join back up to their home clan, i.e. just taking care of personal business and keeping their clan mates out of it.
Happy Hunting


bastion63 Game profile


Jul 7th 2012, 12:07:36

Someone call the Waaaaaaaaambulance for WaWa. He makes as much sense as LAmE letting a suicider beat them down. Nobody is making you play FFA, so if you dont like how its played, write your congressman and let us know how that works out for you.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 7th 2012, 16:55:01

Originally posted by WaWa:
I think I got it.

KoHeartsGPA you lick whatever fluff you fluffing want off of bstrongs fluffing face. Then manybe you will grow the fluff up!

I have come up with 2 theories, you're either helltard or his long lost tarded twin :)
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

bastion63 Game profile


Jul 8th 2012, 21:42:47
