


Nov 23rd 2010, 16:15:11

now that LaE's precedent, thunder, he of all noise and no substance
and HWCNG, the grand anti-semite and LaEx's HOW have been caught in yet another campaign of lies calculated to mislead new players
how should the community respond?

HWCNG,chumpacabra and thunder have all said that they do not care about this server at all and they prove it every month with one of their campaigns of lies

when a group of players engages in repeated calculated attempts to suppress the number of players who join our server, we should try to stop them
when a group of players routinely denigrates our server, we must make every effort
when a group of players customarily lies, we must protect our server

notice that no one from LaE has stepped up to condemn this latest slew of lies

they dare not because if they criticize HWCNG or thunder they will be booted out of LaE and clan killed on ffa

do i believe everyone left in LaE is a lying cheat? no
do i believe that they all realize that if they publicly speak out they will be booted out of LaE? yes

this is a tricky question and i confess that i do not know the solution
doing nothing and allowing them to launch another campaign of lies next month is obviously not the answer
banning them from the forums for a week is too slight by far

in order to increase our player base we need to convince the players like mad morticia and others who quit because of LaEx that we have finally achieved a cleansing of the server

we are battling an institutional contagion here and broad measures are required

as always reasonable replies are welcome