


Oct 20th 2011, 16:25:31

Message from GayIsOK (#61) sent on 10/20/2011 14:44:49
i am looking for a possible off alli let me know if your interested.

so i sent him an offensive allie offer...then he attacked me

then he accepts me as his offensive allie so i can't retal

Edited By: vietxnameze on Oct 20th 2011, 17:05:22
See Original Post

TNTroXxor Game profile


Oct 20th 2011, 16:32:04

wait 24hours then suicide on him
Originally posted by JJ23:
i havent been deleted since last set

Deerhunter Game profile


Oct 20th 2011, 16:36:31

If a player sent me that message i would tell him to send the pact to me and then i would accept. Sounds like you fell for oldest trick in the book. Sucks but it was your own foolishness.
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!



Oct 20th 2011, 16:38:20

i know of this trick but i never thought people are that dirty lol lesson learned

Mooker1 Game profile


Oct 20th 2011, 16:41:04

That is nuts! I would dedicate this set to killing him. Did he message you after all that?

Deerhunter Game profile


Oct 20th 2011, 16:44:38

My good friend Walding did that to me once- before he knew it was me he did it too. I learned form it. Its a tough lesson but at least you know now. I was once foolish too. :) Still plenty of time left in the set to retal him.
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!



Oct 20th 2011, 16:48:52

Originally posted by Mooker1:
That is nuts! I would dedicate this set to killing him. Did he message you after all that?

yea he keep messaging i think he is gay

Message from GayIsOK (#61) i am perfectly safe from any retal abing. See, i am in GDI and i havnt hit anyone more than once :)

Message from GayIsOK (#61) sent on 10/20/2011 16:30:17
Report this message
you have been weighed, measured, and found to be wanting. Reply

Message from GayIsOK (#61) sent on 10/20/2011 16:30:45
Report this message
i would eb remiss if i wasnt laughing so hard at you.

Message from GayIsOK (#61) sent on 10/20/2011 16:31:39
Report this message
i predict your country being destroyed before 24 hours is up.

Message from GayIsOK (#61) sent on 10/20/2011 16:40:38
Report this message
dont hate me because im beautiful. love me. Reply

Message from GayIsOK (#61) sent on 10/20/2011 16:41:46
better gear up your deff- i might just cancel our pact in 24 hours and hit you again. then youd really be up the creek.

mdemon Game profile


Oct 20th 2011, 16:56:40

I guess even in a game people lack decensy...

kind of funny though =p


Deerhunter Game profile


Oct 20th 2011, 16:57:05

dude it is illegal to post spy info on any player.
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!

Deerhunter Game profile


Oct 20th 2011, 16:58:40

just wait for him to hit you a second time as he threatened and then ab him to dirt.
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!

echlori Game profile


Oct 20th 2011, 16:59:10

I see banhammer coming.



Oct 20th 2011, 17:03:08

lol didn't know about that..sorry

Mooker1 Game profile


Oct 20th 2011, 17:08:24

Cant u declare war to ab him?

Deerhunter Game profile


Oct 20th 2011, 17:11:46

not in express if the guy has GDI. Untill he hits a country a second time he is perfectly safe.
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!

Deerhunter Game profile


Oct 20th 2011, 17:13:21

i just looked at their news and # 138 has made way more hits than # 61. If you look at the news if anyone deserves to eb suicided on its 138. He multiple tapped a guy and then went nuts hitting him after that guy retaled 2 times not breaking.
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!


EE Patron

Oct 20th 2011, 17:59:04

Yeah, Chinook should kill him if he can, but Chinook had like 20k turrets and it was basically just a farming operation run by viet.

I guess GayIsOK doesn't care about his round, because he has to know anyone who does what he did will have someone dedicated to killing him.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

crest23 Game profile


Oct 20th 2011, 18:24:39

I predict I will be taking land from both of these guys before the set is over. If they make it that far (#138 especially will probably either not make it till the end or wouldn't be worth it).
The Nigerian Nightmare.

crest23 Game profile


Oct 20th 2011, 18:28:57

I find that the guys that talk a lot about what they will do don't amount to much. This gay guy will go away with a wimper. The guys you worry about are the ones you hit and they seemingly go quiet, with no activity for a while. You never see them when they come back.

Like my father always says, forget the dog that barks a lot, fear the one that growls in a low tone and shows its teeth.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

Deerhunter Game profile


Oct 20th 2011, 19:23:07

good luck crest23
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!

crest23 Game profile


Oct 20th 2011, 19:53:03

LMAO! Good luck? What has luck got to do with it? ONE million jets breaks anyone in this game right now (without spying). In my case 700k jets breaks anyone right now. 600k jets with good off allies. No my man, luck's got nada to do with this.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

Jackelope Game profile


Oct 21st 2011, 0:10:38

Dude What's he got for def...? im Land of Remorse (#117) I'ld like to wack him.. hehehe

Jackelope Game profile


Oct 21st 2011, 0:12:47

Man that guy is a little high on himself... what a Poofter!

crest23 Game profile


Oct 21st 2011, 0:15:32

Not enough that's for sure. Bang him up if you want. Can't share spyops here. He never even knew I looked,...... "good luck", geez!
The Nigerian Nightmare.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 21st 2011, 0:16:41

so you're land of remorse....interesting,pm me!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Jackelope Game profile


Oct 21st 2011, 0:17:55

Lol, 1 mil jets wouldnt break me....

Jackelope Game profile


Oct 21st 2011, 0:19:04

yup, first games after a long break.... (12yrs)

crest23 Game profile


Oct 21st 2011, 0:25:51

Welcome back! What brought you back? This is my 2nd month back. I was gone for 6 yrs. I just kinda remembered that I used to play and started searching.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 21st 2011, 0:28:18

Welcome back Jackelope :) be carefull lotsa idiots here :/
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

crest23 Game profile


Oct 21st 2011, 0:30:11

It's his 1st set back, my guess is he'll find out sooner rather than later the number of idiots out here.
The Nigerian Nightmare.


EE Patron

Oct 21st 2011, 0:31:00

I was gone for about 10 years and have been back since August or September. (I remember attempting like one or two rounds in the last 10 years and never finishing them.)

I came back because I was telling some Utopia clowns how much better Earth was and needed to prove it. I've personally signed up 5 people for the game since I restarted, and all of them played multiple rounds, but all of them quit for some reason...
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Jackelope Game profile


Oct 21st 2011, 0:31:29

Man i Love this game! I quit cause of work , i had a young family and life got to busy... now i got a bit more free time but its sad that the numbers are down, was a lot more fun when it was 10's of thousands of peps... What brings you back?

Jackelope Game profile


Oct 21st 2011, 0:32:25

you guys... this is like the old member forum...

crest23 Game profile


Oct 21st 2011, 0:38:07

Work got in the way for me and then I did an MBA, got married, had a kid (NOT IN THAT ORDER). Now it's my time since I have some more free time. I always missed playing. Did you always play by Jackelope?
The Nigerian Nightmare.

Jackelope Game profile


Oct 21st 2011, 0:40:25

LOL, like this Big Gay Al in game... what kinda o idiots? alliance idiots? whats the good alliances on here now?

crest23 Game profile


Oct 21st 2011, 0:41:14

I sent you a PM. Check it out.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

Jackelope Game profile


Oct 21st 2011, 0:44:28

hmmm... foggy... maybe jackel... i was with Omega pre-I-Mag-I-Ka but i see shes climbed the ladder. who were you guys with?

crest23 Game profile


Oct 21st 2011, 0:50:00

I'm a solo server kinda guy. Tried alliance once, wasn't for me. I didn't have the time for the interaction and politics.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 21st 2011, 0:56:22

I've always been FFA guy,had my clan called GPA about 6 years ago,after the bots overran the FFA server we disbanned,I stopped playing til 2 weeks ago,and I'm still tracking down my boyz,good to have you back,Jackelope!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!


EE Patron

Oct 21st 2011, 1:04:12

I also tried alliance once and never played again. Never even thought about playing FFA.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 21st 2011, 1:07:41

FFA is fun,I'm in XI we are at War with Semper Fi right now,lotsa fun,got 7 kills in two waves,going on 3rd wave soon
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

crest23 Game profile


Oct 21st 2011, 22:16:48

Originally posted by crest23:
I predict I will be taking land from both of these guys before the set is over. If they make it that far (#138 especially will probably either not make it till the end or wouldn't be worth it).

Like I said, #138 wasn't making it till the end of the set.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 21st 2011, 22:34:19

Lol,anotherone bytes the dust!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Jackelope Game profile


Oct 21st 2011, 22:44:52

IM apointed my self as the new GDI spokes person... were alot like MAD but that we do drink... hmmm maybe more like trojan.. everyone needs protection from little pricks... DOnt be a Land of Remorse buy trojans! or GDI!!

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 21st 2011, 22:55:51

Looking at news,they didn't kill 138,he self killed,deleted after he got ABed
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Deerhunter Game profile


Oct 22nd 2011, 4:04:42

the way he was hitting people and no tbeing in GDI did anyone seriously think he was going anywhere>?
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 22nd 2011, 4:28:12

Nope,that's why we talked about him :)
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

TNTroXxor Game profile


Oct 22nd 2011, 9:24:47

I mess with a GDI player, go all jets and topfeed them every 2 hours. If they ps different target every 2 hours, losing 1-2k land to you for 3 or 4 times, their set is ruined :)
Originally posted by JJ23:
i havent been deleted since last set

crest23 Game profile


Oct 22nd 2011, 10:15:09

Originally posted by TNTroXxor:
I mess with a GDI player, go all jets and topfeed them every 2 hours. If they ps different target every 2 hours, losing 1-2k land to you for 3 or 4 times, their set is ruined :)

The Nigerian Nightmare.

Deerhunter Game profile


Oct 22nd 2011, 13:02:00

Another noob wannabe suicider.
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!


EE Patron

Oct 22nd 2011, 16:19:09

I love it that this GayIsOK guy emerged from this scam completely unscathed and is in fact rank #2 right now.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.