
Kingme Game profile


Feb 24th 2025, 17:06:33

1 DbzIsCoolOrElse (#4) 47,179 $66,003,844 CG
2 The Day After Tomorrow (#5) 35,022 $62,320,342 HG
3 Richard Petty (#43) 45,298 $53,145,400 HG
4 Chicken Dinner (#81) 56,957 $49,358,885 HG
5 DifferentStrokesDifferentFolks (#47) 38,882 $41,567,162 HG
6 Decentralized (#72) 30,579 $35,539,741 HG
7 Groked Your ChatGPT (#16) 28,174 $33,975,045 TG
8 Vicnic (#91) 22,761 $25,262,568 H
9 29 (#29) 40,608 $23,976,376 HG
10 w h o p l a y s s u n d a y s (#82) 8103 $22,666,573 DG

Congrats to ssj4goku17 for the victory. You managed to just squeeze past Skol at the very end.
It's good to see both of you back after an absence, and already dominating with the 1-2 finish. It was nice talking to both of you during the set.

To Ratski, thanks for your normal bad play and trying to blame me for your antics with Link. Maybe next time, send the message intended for Link where you blame me... to Link... instead of the guy you're blaming. I guess it's hard to remember country numbers when you're playing two countries every set. And why Link? The guy literally never bothers anyone? He never hits human players, and minds his own business. I don't even see him posting or responding messages, so you can't even get your rocks off by griefing him.

To the mods... this is getting embarrassing for you all. It takes very little digging to see Ratski and his "neighbor" hit the same players some sets. How many posts need to be made? It's been reported as well. Not to mention the guy screws up most sets and sends messages on behalf of the wrong country. Again, there have been multiple posts on here about it here and it's been reported.

I don't care if he is using a VPN to try and mask it decently, the fact that "they're" hitting the same players should fall under the "teaming" rule. Especially when you can clearly see it happens most sets, and it's not a coincidence. It's one thing to be a crappy griefer and just want to ruin other peoples fun, but at a minimum that should be limited to one country. I think it deserves a legitimate investigation and a legitimate response from the mods.

- Z - Game profile


Feb 24th 2025, 18:19:44

Strategically, express is trying to be everything to everyone who wants a fast format reset - versus the numerous long format servers available.

I see a few options:
1) Split express into a coop-style "netting" server and a "i live in mamas basement" losers server. Or, less ideally, just make it so that you can't hit non-NPCs (I don't like this because there are valid, legitimate reasons to hit non-NPCs).
2) Give mods the ability to restore a country to its prior state after griefing. That isn't as good as it leaves some discretion to the mods, but the cases of griefing or "griefing lite" (single taps on multiple non-NPCs with no legitimate way to better one's own country) are obvious.
3) Change the rules of engagement and/or GDI. For example, don't allow unprovoked hits on non-NPCs after Friday, and make any hits or harmful ops constitute breaking GDI.
4) Allow more defensive allies and have defensive allies become worthless if you break GDI.
Returns to visit galleri

Kingme Game profile


Feb 24th 2025, 18:28:32

I think even a change to the game so that a single SS or PS to a non-NPC is considered breaking GDI (vs the current rate of 2) would fix a lot of these issues. I believe this is what you're saying in #3.

It would give more power to the person being griefed to retaliate on their own timeline instead of waiting for a multi-tap.

If anything, I think maybe an amendment to the rules for express could be made. However, it's hard to define "griefing" behavior. There are many examples and probably little agreement on what is or is not.

A-Rod Game profile


Feb 25th 2025, 3:31:28

On one hand, I understand not wanting to take away the ability to hit players. The thing is, the only people that ARE hitting players aren't keeping what they take, it isn't being used for strategy. At best the people that like to make big grabs are land trading, which is a complete waste of turns. 99% of the time any human on human grabbing is just ppl wanting to make big hits or griefing because they can. Maybe make people who want to hit humans declare war for X amount of time. It's tough i understand, most of the ideas break the game in a way and heavily tilt it. I hate getting grabbed, but i retal. The griefing is so frustrating though. The people that do it rarely even finish top20, or even play all thier turns...

NitelL Game profile


Feb 25th 2025, 4:05:23

It's been shown that these griefers don't care about being killed after they hit. In fact, so many times now, they just hit and don't ever log back in. lol

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Feb 25th 2025, 4:24:21

Thanks, Kingme. Nice to come back & do well. Not sure all what game mods I may not know of just yet...

Sorry for anyone who got hit by griefers. Maybe create a Peaceful or Netting server where you can only hit non-PC is an option. Maybe add an extra element of not only individual networth for ranking in Scores, but compare all live vs. non-pc nets at the end to see if humanity beats AI for global control lol. Just add more bots to keep it interesting. Would a mod for bots to have higher explore rates be helpful?

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 25th 2025, 5:27:46

You guys that want to farm bots, carry 0 turrets and not be touched by other players so that you and circle jerk hi five each other on who farmed the most bot land and got the highest networth already have COOP and alliance is basically the same

Quit whining about people playing the war game the way that it was intended to be played. Until they update the homepage this game is still about warring and hitting others

Also just for clarification sakes, who are the “losers in mom’s basement”, the cry baby netter whiners or the people who “grief” aka play the game as designed?

PS seems like none of you can hang on teams, tournament or primary cuz you don’t have your 0 skill bots to farm lol

Edited By: SuperFly on Feb 25th 2025, 5:30:10

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 25th 2025, 5:34:52

Ps you people really need to get over the word “griefing”

Any of you recall miltery sanction in 2022?

And what happened to said sanctions?

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Feb 25th 2025, 6:48:03

Military sanctions worked great. The problem with it was all of the whiners.

Cathankins Game profile


Feb 25th 2025, 11:13:40

Well ratski plays specifically to target netters. Every set he runs a rainbow and then suicides whatever netter he can and then leaves because he can’t fight a war. Has to be the most goofy behavior I have ever seen in this game. Yes you will get hit by two or three other countries right after with that crowd. It does create the appearance that they are running multi or coordinating on some chat app off site.

I would say based on what I have seen other players say about him that he is the least respected player in the game. Not even the most hated because his countries can’t do enough damage to actually make other players mad. It’s more like this weird fly that buzzes by and then goes away. I have no idea what the purpose of this behavior is. His hardware is running on the Evil-chaotic NPC format I think.

Cathankins Game profile


Feb 25th 2025, 11:14:59

When I first got here I defended ratski because I saw others were mean to him often times and I felt compassion for him but after watching his behavior for a long time I think the name and bullying is appropriate. I usually wouldn’t say that but with him it’s well deserved.

A-Rod Game profile


Feb 25th 2025, 14:27:51

SF you talk a big game, but you're every bit as bad when you get hit. lmao. double tap retals, attacking accross servers. come on man. you've got no ground to stand on.

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 25th 2025, 15:19:48

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Military sanctions worked great. The problem with it was all of the whiners.

So does out right banning people if admins don’t like said individual

I think you should change the game description and then problem solved. Ban everyone or sanction them at will. The game play now is a fry cry from the original description of game play.

The only true to the game thing left is the interface lol

Edited By: SuperFly on Feb 25th 2025, 15:25:16
See Original Post

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 25th 2025, 15:22:02

Originally posted by A-Rod:
SF you talk a big game, but you're every bit as bad when you get hit. lmao. double tap retals, attacking accross servers. come on man. you've got no ground to stand on.

When I get hit I war back without crying and i stomp
The guy out. Just ask smack daddy. I have been farmed by him for running 0 turrets like a whinny netter a few times. All times I have kicked his ass and showed him who his daddy is

Kingme Game profile


Feb 25th 2025, 15:34:16

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by A-Rod:
SF you talk a big game, but you're every bit as bad when you get hit. lmao. double tap retals, attacking accross servers. come on man. you've got no ground to stand on.

When I get hit I war back without crying and i stomp
The guy out. Just ask smack daddy. I have been farmed by him for running 0 turrets like a whinny netter a few times. All times I have kicked his ass and showed him who his daddy is

And yet he does the same thing every set. So you actually didn't teach him, scare him, intimidate him, "stomp him", or generally teach him anything at all.

And where is this zero turrets nonsense coming from? If you carry zero defense and get farmed, that's on you.
I don't see anyone crying about that.

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 25th 2025, 16:39:57

Well reddog aka snack daddy uses the same name every set. Just farm him down bro!

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 25th 2025, 16:40:01

Well reddog aka snack daddy uses the same name every set. Just farm him down bro!

Kingme Game profile


Feb 25th 2025, 17:58:46

"snack daddy" hasn't been an issue for me, haha.

Hessman123 Game profile


Feb 25th 2025, 18:01:18

What happened to fascist farmers winning all the time?

Kingme Game profile


Feb 25th 2025, 18:51:57

Originally posted by Hessman123:
What happened to fascist farmers winning all the time?

A well played Fascist Farmer can still win, but most of the better players haven't been playing it since the most recent changes. There are still a lot of people still trying it, but they never understood understood the basic fundamentals well enough before, let alone now. They seem to think that if you just grab to 40k+ acres you automatically have a good country. Now with it being harder, they're doing even worse than before.

Scroll down to the express section. The PM price of bushels has been lowered to match the other servers, thus nerfing farmer a bit on this server.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 25th 2025, 18:59:01

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Well ratski plays specifically to target netters. Every set he runs a rainbow and then suicides whatever netter he can and then leaves because he can’t fight a war. Has to be the most goofy behavior I have ever seen in this game. Yes you will get hit by two or three other countries right after with that crowd. It does create the appearance that they are running multi or coordinating on some chat app off site.

I would say based on what I have seen other players say about him that he is the least respected player in the game. Not even the most hated because his countries can’t do enough damage to actually make other players mad. It’s more like this weird fly that buzzes by and then goes away. I have no idea what the purpose of this behavior is. His hardware is running on the Evil-chaotic NPC format I think.

That just about sums it up right there 😂
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Kingme Game profile


Feb 25th 2025, 20:05:49

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Well ratski plays specifically to target netters. Every set he runs a rainbow and then suicides whatever netter he can and then leaves because he can’t fight a war. Has to be the most goofy behavior I have ever seen in this game. Yes you will get hit by two or three other countries right after with that crowd. It does create the appearance that they are running multi or coordinating on some chat app off site.

I would say based on what I have seen other players say about him that he is the least respected player in the game. Not even the most hated because his countries can’t do enough damage to actually make other players mad. It’s more like this weird fly that buzzes by and then goes away. I have no idea what the purpose of this behavior is. His hardware is running on the Evil-chaotic NPC format I think.

That just about sums it up right there 😂

I somehow missed this, and have to agree it's pretty spot on.

Skol Game profile


Feb 25th 2025, 22:29:29

In my opinion nothing should change. Express has always been the wild west and food prices should be changed back to what they were before the last few sets. It's what makes it the express server. The same people will do the same things. The records reflect the way the game has been played for years and doesn't make sense to change it after all this time.

A-Rod Game profile


Feb 27th 2025, 19:32:33

IDK. the nerf to food does make playing other strats more rewarding. breaking 50m on a farmer is braindead easy still. not so much with a casher. CI is certainly king now though.