
BlackHole Game profile


Oct 11th 2024, 22:22:39

I think I may have encountered a bug. I had 200+ mil at one point today. I logged back in, and was down to about 10mil, it seems about 200mil disappeared from my country. There were not any big buy orders that were fulfilled, any turns run, or anything like that.

I posted a screenshot in the discord mod chat. I'm not sure if a bug like this can happen? Hopefully I'm not just going crazy...

BlackHole Game profile


Oct 12th 2024, 12:56:27

After further consideration, I'm very confident this was a bug.

I logged into my country at noticed I had very little money (was going to buy some tech). So I checked my tech to see if I had purchased any on buy orders, and it didn't appear I had. Then I checked my country news to see if I had purchased stuff there, and I hadn't purchased more than a few mil, but I'd also sold stuff.

At this point, I thought I was confused and logged into different servers to ensure I was on the right server, which I was. Then I realized I still had EE pulled up on my browser, and was curious what the window said (I was playing on mobile at this time). I went back, and sure enough I had 200+mil. I was also on my tech screen, so I was able to compare tech totals and confirm they hadn't changed. I have zero military, so I know it wasn't purchasing of that, and my food was under 1mil food, so I know it wasn't from that.

Long story short, VERY confident about 200mil disappeared.

SuperFly Game profile


Oct 12th 2024, 15:29:06

The mods are after you man. This is some high level trolling as retaliation for your forum trolling

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 12th 2024, 16:46:45

Over the years I have seen ppl say they lost money. Not sure anyone has ever confirmed it as an issue?
- Premium Patron Member

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 12th 2024, 17:41:43

You probably had SO
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

BlackHole Game profile


Oct 12th 2024, 19:09:26


Rokkie Game profile


Oct 12th 2024, 21:37:21

Originally posted by BlackHole:

Standing Order.

BlackHole Game profile


Oct 12th 2024, 23:48:32

Nope, it wasn't that. I checked my country news, and I checked all my troop/tech totals afterwards, and they were unchanged. I was able to compare screenshots from before and after.

Kingme Game profile


Oct 13th 2024, 1:50:00

And your NW is the same in both?

BlackHole Game profile


Oct 13th 2024, 2:00:09

It was very close, yes. Not exact, as a few very small sales took place.

Surely someone from them dev team can look at game logs or something. Like I said, I'm very confident something is up here, and I' seem to remember someone else posting a bug like this before.

SuperFly Game profile


Oct 13th 2024, 2:42:24

Originally posted by BlackHole:

Surely someone from them dev team can look at game logs or something. Like I said, I'm very confident something is up here, and I' seem to remember someone else posting a bug like this before.

Sorry brother. Request denied by Req as you are not a patron and you annoyed the dev and his mod henchmen so unless you buy some coins or patron you are out of good graces.

BlackHole Game profile


Oct 13th 2024, 18:23:33

If any game devs want more info, please feel free to reach out to me. Happy to help however I can.

Bablo Game profile


Oct 19th 2024, 15:39:20

My dog eats ants

HH Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 19th 2024, 18:56:10

Your cash was sucked into a blackhole!

Leto Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 19th 2024, 19:58:26

Originally posted by BlackHole:
After further consideration, I'm very confident this was a bug.

I logged into my country at noticed I had very little money (was going to buy some tech). So I checked my tech to see if I had purchased any on buy orders, and it didn't appear I had. Then I checked my country news to see if I had purchased stuff there, and I hadn't purchased more than a few mil, but I'd also sold stuff.

At this point, I thought I was confused and logged into different servers to ensure I was on the right server, which I was. Then I realized I still had EE pulled up on my browser, and was curious what the window said (I was playing on mobile at this time). I went back, and sure enough I had 200+mil. I was also on my tech screen, so I was able to compare tech totals and confirm they hadn't changed. I have zero military, so I know it wasn't purchasing of that, and my food was under 1mil food, so I know it wasn't from that.

Long story short, VERY confident about 200mil disappeared.

This has happened to me several times, I've brought it up to QZ in the past.
M4D Founder

BlackHole Game profile


Oct 20th 2024, 21:06:30

Well nobody even contacted me to get more information. It seems to be a pretty big bug, if I'm being honest. I know the devs, or at least one dev, is interested in improving this game and broadening the player base. I think a good start would be at least responding to bugs like this.

SuperFly Game profile


Oct 20th 2024, 23:11:17

Not to be a fluff; but didn’t your discord antics chase the only interested dev away?

Just become a patron like Req and be happy dude.

VicRattlehead Game profile


Oct 20th 2024, 23:24:45

To be honest, BH started it and his antics were the instigation, but it was definitely the combined antics of TAN et al that chased off the interested dev.

BlackHole Game profile


Oct 20th 2024, 23:41:41

I don't really want to re-hash this, but no, Superfly. I didn't chase away the only interested dev. If he has left (has he?) he did that, because he drew the ire of a large portion of the community after banning myself, tan, drow, coalie, empyrean, and maybe others?

That list of names spans at least 4 alliances, and people who are not traditionally allies. The reasons for the banning have been litigated and all parties have made determinations as to how they feel about it.

My role in said events involved being banned for impersonating a mod (something to this day, I will still state I never did) and then going on vacation to Europe, to find that everyone else was also banned for various other... reasons.

In short - I don't think I'm the main player in that saga, but merely a side show. Despite my best efforts at always being the center of attention, sadly I believe I failed in that instance.

SuperFly Game profile


Oct 23rd 2024, 13:48:56

From what a mod said in irc/discord he is gone. he exited the ee discord and has once again left the game and whatever change set we have for coop is permanent going forward until Someone else takes the mantle to make changes.

I guess I do owe you thanks though for chasing him away as now he won’t be turn off the team server and I can still play my 2nd favorite server :)

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 23rd 2024, 21:51:56

This is the normal behavior from Slag. He comes back, slings out many changes, gets mad at something or someone, and leaves again.

He will be back eventually.
- Premium Patron Member

Kingme Game profile


Oct 24th 2024, 19:59:19

There is an entire board dedicated to "Bugs" and suggestions.
Did you post this on that board?

SuperFly Game profile


Oct 25th 2024, 2:19:11

Originally posted by Requiem:
This is the normal behavior from Slag. He comes back, slings out many changes, gets mad at something or someone, and leaves again.

He will be back eventually.

time for you to petition the return of Chevs?

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 26th 2024, 14:12:04

Originally posted by BlackHole:
I think I may have encountered a bug. I had 200+ mil at one point today. I logged back in, and was down to about 10mil, it seems about 200mil disappeared from my country. There were not any big buy orders that were fulfilled, any turns run, or anything like that.

I posted a screenshot in the discord mod chat. I'm not sure if a bug like this can happen? Hopefully I'm not just going crazy...

just like my bank account :/
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"


BlackHole Game profile


Oct 27th 2024, 13:24:10

Originally posted by Requiem:
This is the normal behavior from Slag. He comes back, slings out many changes, gets mad at something or someone, and leaves again.

He will be back eventually.

For as much as he criticized me, that seems like some emotional immaturity. This game deserves better, such a shame :(