Apr 11th 2022, 23:11:38
Three points to consider:
1. it would make spies more powerful which would have to be compensated somehow. This is doable so not a problem, just something to keep in mind.
2. If turrets and troops can both be spied away it removes one of the, for defensive units unique aspects, of troops and their dynamics with spies. This in my mind is unwanted. If every unit acts the same way and have the same vulnerabilities then why have more than one unit?
3. Turrets are the primary defensive unit for landgrabs, and that makes them very valuable on solo servers especially. The PS bonus already makes it quite easy to break everyone. A turret killing op would make defending one-self a completely impossible task. I guess if tournament GDI was changed to the same type as express and primary, this wouldn't be a problem, possibly even an arguement to make this change as people who break GDI will become more vulnerable (which is somehow fair).