
Auk Game profile


Oct 26th 2016, 3:56:18

Can we have the readiness percentage to appear in the status bar, right next between Food and Net worth please.

Rationale: It's annoying to have another War Room tab opened just to refresh it to get an update of how many readiness points are needed. I need to keep track of this as I am spending turns building. So that I do not build with 100% readiness.

I'm asking about that blue horizontal bar that displays turns, money, food, etc.

Edited By: Auk on Oct 26th 2016, 4:08:24

drkprinc Game profile


Oct 26th 2016, 5:38:55

Doubt this will happen the status bar is already congested enough...

quickest way is 100 - your readiness / 3 = turns to play.

so 25% readiness play 25 turns to get to 100%

75% readiness play 8 turns to get to 99%

every turn is 3% regain when not attacking.
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Auk Game profile


Oct 26th 2016, 10:45:02

That status bar is anything but congested. If anything, it can become a status bar consisting of 2 rows anyway. Though that shouldn't be necessary. Having to keep track of this is really too much/distracting.

Really, having to keep track of the above math and such is really irritating. These problems are really the reasons that discourages me from even bother to spending turn because it always takes longer to do than necessary. Especially when the acres to grab from any country is really low.

DancingBear Game profile


Nov 25th 2016, 6:41:02

Auk, i think most of the remaing players of earth are "tradionalists" so it may be more difficult to get a format change agrred and implemented than one might otherwise expect ...

but, fwiw, i'd be happy to see readiness displayd somewhere ... but if it is not on the status bar, then it would probably require a deliberate click to check it, which is already available on the military page

however, if it was included on the main page - perhaps in the lower right corner of the main screen box, to the right of the cuurent tme and date, moving the time and date to be left justified with readiness right jstified - then i at least would see it often enough ... and i'd be pleased to see it there, and it would get my attention whenever i logged in