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Marshall didn't post on this thread. :)
Also to be clear I do not have strong feelings about this either way, it's just that I dont see how it would solve any issues that players cant solve today.
It would make it easier to transfer NW though and make FFA transfers far easier. I think that would be detrimental to the game.
FAing oil would still be capped like the other goods so I don't fully see how it would be damaging. Back before the changes to restarts FAing oil would have been very useful during war times for traditional restarts.
Then again, I was always a supporter of adding oil tech to make it more productive as it should be, the only strategy that does not get a technology boost....
Alas, that was shot down time and time again for no real reason other than they claim it be pointless. My defense, if be as useful/useless as medical tech and we can have that :p