Aug 14th 2019, 19:32:00
It really shouldn't have to be netters vs warriors.
It's just some of the warring people think that its a godgiven right that when they hit a netter that netter has no way to defend himself or strike back unless he spent the last 1000 turns to prepare himself to get blindsided, in which case that war-guy would have picked another target anyway.
They don't really want war when they do that, they want a slaughter, we have seen it time and time again, they are here to ruin peoples game experience, a fact they are very frank about on the forums(and on IRC and ingame) and I have no reason to doubt them. The game currently promotes such behavior. The devs have taken issue with it but not done anything about it so far.
But that camp doesnt include all warriors, only a fringe group, and its also not a group that should be considered as their goals(stated and obvious) are to ruin the game rather than to make it better.
A host of changes including the restart bonuses but also the spy op damage formulas, the SPAL formula and the NW modifyier for landgrabs and special attacks, which were changed to make wars last longer, results in a big country being completely ineffective in waging war with special attacks against a smaller country while the smaller country deals immense damage. These are changes that were introduced in EE and they have all been anti-netter.
Formula changes are nice. We can find a balance perhaps. But only if we agree on the issues.
Edited By: Gerdler on Aug 14th 2019, 19:34:53